Chad and Britney- Their Story *** Chapter Four

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Sorry for the late post. Thanks to all who is reading this story. Please let me know what you guys think of it. 



The week before senior year, Chad and I decided to spend some us time together. We stayed at home by ourselves and enjoyed each other. School was to start on the 10 of August so we just chilled at home. We did go shopping for some new schools clothes for me, my school supplies and Chad got some clothes too.  We had had a fun filled summer vacation so we just wanted us time. There were several days when the only time we got out of bed was to go to the bathroom, take showers, or eat, other then that we just stayed in bed enjoying each other’s presence (lots of Sex).

The week flew by, Saturday we decided that since chad would be coaching the football players, then I would just come home after school to get things I needed done. On the nights of the games I would meet him where ever they were going to be played. We thought that was the best way to do it. Sunday we had everyone over family and friends to have one last BBQ before our schedules got too busy. We had such a blast. Monday morning Chad had to go into work, I got to sleep in, because school didn’t start until Tuesday. I had Amanda come over and we just hung out talking about what we would be doing as seniors, then around noon Jeremy, Wesley, Miranda, Alex, and Kelly came over for a couple of hours. We just hung out and went over some of the things that we wanted to do as seniors.  When Chad got home that night everyone left, and he and I ate dinner and went to bed. We had a long week ahead of use.

The first week of school flew by, all my friends and I had the same classes first semester, we had: English 4 with Mr. Gross, Biology with Coach Miles, 12th grade History with Mr. Brooks, and Reading with Mrs. Lawson. We all loved our schedules.   The first week we got all out textbooks, and had a lot of homework. We all made a schedule so that we could all study together and do our work together; we took turns at each other’s houses. No one knew that I was married and we were doing all out best to keep it that way. During the first week of school everyone was so happy, we didn’t have much time for anything other than getting out homework done, on Friday we the schools had their first football game so I had to go to the game, but my friends went with me. We were all starting to like the game, and I liked to see my hubby get mad at all the players when they did something wrong, he looked so cute when his face was  all messed up and wrinkled.

The next couple of weeks went by smoothly. We had tests every Friday and loads of homework. I think the teachers all got together and decided that we needed to stay busy; however, we all got it all done. By the time our first progress report went home we had been in school for 5 weeks. All of my friends and I stayed on the schedule that we started the first week of school. We all took notes in class, did our classwork in class, and then at home we all went to each other’s houses and studied. All my friends’ parents thought that Chad was my brother, so they didn’t care that they come over to my house. We didn’t want them to know, other than Amanda and Wesley’s grandmother she knew but she was ok with it. So they got to come over all the time, sometimes they even stayed the night. We were all busy with studying we all decided to try to beat each other’s grades. So when the progress reports came home we all opened them. We were all in shock; we all had the same grade in every one of our classes 100. All of our teachers asked us how we did it, we told them we studied every night, and made sure to keep up in class. And when we studied at home each one of us had something to add so that we all had different information to add to any discussion we had. We also made sure that we did our own work, so that we would never get into trouble. It was a Friday so we decided to take the night off of studying and when to the game, when we got there I went to meet Chad, he had a little while before the game started and the guys (he was high school football coach) were warming up. He knew that I was getting my progress report and even though he was my husband, he wanted me to do my best.

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