➢ 1 ; diana

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Diana could still recall the moment he sacrificed his life for hers and frankly not just for hers, but for all people and for the future of all people. She's only ever looked up to two people in her life and that was her aunt and own mother, but after him, her thoughts on mankind had completely changed. And Diana has complete deep respect for the late-Captain.

Diana vows to protect mankind from its very own or other alien danger.

So she sits in her wheelie chair, inside of her very own office which was kindly offered by her good friend, the Batman, Bruce Wayne. While doing her usual paperwork, Diana's hand brushes past the only framed photo on her desk – the photo of her and Steve and the boys, in Veld.

A smile creeps upon her face as she stares at the black-and-white original, secured inside a shell-patterned frame. It brings back so many memories that she's managed to remember in such a little amount of time.

She had only known Steve for a mere two weeks at the time, as well as the boys and they already felt like a second family to her.

She remembers fighting for the first time against the enemy in No Man's land. She remembers Steve calling her name out and her not turning back at his request. She remembers the innocent, with nothing but to sit there, mourning and Diana knowing she had to to do something. She remembers the bitter atmosphere of the war.

But the one thing that the picture sitting on her desk reminded her about was the very first and sadly, last moment she had with Steve. And how he danced with her in that frosty, winter night. And how the villagers surrounded them, hearts filled with happiness and face filled with joy. It looked clear in his – Steve's eyes – that this had been the first time since forever that he's experienced real joy and Diana feels blessed those last moments of his own happiness was with her.

Despite the horrors of the war, they managed to fill their hearts with the warmth that they thought was forever lost.

The rest of the night, as Diana could remember it was filled with laughter and it felt like a blur.

She could still hear the out-of-tune but soulful sound of Charlie's melodic voice ringing in her ears. Sameer and Chief laughing their lives off at the bar, drinking huge glasses of keg. Everyone had the time of their lives.

Diana let out a sigh and stopped typing on her keyboard.

Even though it was centuries ago, she remembered the very last thing Steve had said to her before he took his life.

It was bittersweet. A pang of sadness hit inside of her heart and it stung, but it didn't sting as much as it used to. Centuries passed and she'll never forget that very moment.

Opening one of the drawers in her desk, she reached out for the pocket watch. His pocket watch. As her fingers stroked the object, his voice echoed in her mind.

"I'll save today, you can save the world"

"I wish we had more time"

"I love you" 

Diana let out a deep sigh. She placed the pocket watch beside her paperwork, beside the framed photo, which she picked up right after.

She looked lovingly, nostalgic at the feeling.

You saved today, Steve and I will save the world. For you.

Diana continues on with her work, knowing that he's watching over her, no matter how many centuries she may live as an immortal being.

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a/n: i love making myself emo :^). On the other hand, yay i finally published my first stiana one-shot. I still don't know how to feel about this one but ya, I hope to make more in future, hopefully AUs hehe. Thank you for reading and see you! Ree XO

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