➢ 10; rah rah rah ii (au)

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[Dt; another yet much requested one-shot sequel! Hope you enjoy this one! ps sorry for the lack of updates, I was on a trip, but I am back 😊]

The aftermath of Clark Kent's party resulted in a lot of rumors started, especially about the two Captains, Steve and Diana. The majority of the rumors involved dating rumors, which was no surprise since the alleged couple had a slight interaction on the night of the party. It was safe to say that both regret what they'd done that night and wished that everything could just somehow go back to the way it was before that incident. But no matter how much they wished upon the star, things could never go back.

When passing the hallways, Diana swears all she can hear are loud whispers about her, whether or not she and Steve had 'done it'. It was truly a disgusting thought, she'd never ever in a million years ever think about. Others would question whether they were even together. The two Captains weren't seen on any dates or together in general. It was hard to believe that they could've been together at all.

"They're looking again," Barbara Gordon commented as the cheerleaders sat in their usual spot in the cafeteria. The eyes of the student body's all blinked at the same time, staring at the same person and it sent chills down Diana's spine.

"Let them," Diana sighed, although she wishes they would stop. She hated all this attention. Being head cheerleader was bad enough – only the attention part – now her life is basically publicized. She wasn't a celebrity, she wasn't someone special, she just so happened to be the head cheerleader whom many either fantasized or despised about.

The stares ended five minutes after when Diana and the squad began to talk with one another and let out fits of laughter. Maybe that got annoying to them. But it started again, but luckily this time it wasn't on Diana, but on her opposite rival, Steve Trevor. He came in with his football boys, strutting down as if the cafeteria was a runaway.

Diana rolled her eyes in annoyance.

You could hear most of the girls basically swooning over the Captain as he came nearer and nearer to his opponent. Diana didn't notice he was even going up to her. The girls had to nudge her as Steve Trevor stood opposite her, with a huge smirk on his face.

Okay, what was his play?

"Di, you haven't been picking up?" He slurred his words in the flirty kind of way. It made Diana sick to her stomach and really, Di?! Who even called her that.

Diana tried to play it cool, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear as she 'flirted' back, "I've been busy with cheer practice, Stevie, you know I don't have all that time,"

Now she really regretted what she was doing. Flirting back? Nice move, Diana.

"Well, I had this date planned for you. Friday, at 7? Don't be late," He winks. Diana's heart flutters a little, but she shrugs that off.

"Alright." She replies.

What has she gotten herself into?

Diana had hoped that Steve would've forgotten about their supposed date, but he didn't. He really did pick her up, in front of her own house where her mother, Governor Hippolyta, and her father stood right beside her.

Diana's never dated a boy before, much to everyone's surprise, and for her parents to find a blue-eyed blonde, whom his mother immediately adored, in front of their doorstep, asking Diana if she was ready to go, was a total surprise, straight out of the blue as one may say.

Diana proceeded to tag along with him, seeing where the famous Steve Trevor would take the head cheerleader.

There weren't many things to do in the city of Themyscira, except for a few parks to stroll in, movie theaters to catch the latest films and diners. Other things included the mall and all that, stuff.

"Look, what happened at the party-"

"Was a mistake, I told you it didn't mean anything and yet you ask me out?" Diana interrupted Steve as he tried to work things out, but clearly, Diana was not having it.

He sighed, "Yet you give me your number? I never ever waste a good number from a pretty girl,"

Diana rolled her eyes.

The two were currently in Steve's car, driving around familiar roads. After that little argument, the two refused to speak up in the awkward atmosphere surrounding them.

The drive seemed to have been going on for hours on end and Diana swears that they've been going around in circles instead of actually driving to a certain destination. She felt her eyes close up and as soon as Steve turned to talk to her, she was already fast asleep.

When they'd arrived at their destination, Diana was in complete awe. She'd never seen a lake filled with so much decor? The little lake verandah had fairy lights strung up high and it twinkled in Steve's eyes as he smiled nervously.

"So I might've been over the top," Steve scratched the back of his neck.

"Are you kidding? This is so, beautiful," Diana let out a single breath and smiled.

She turned to face Steve and held his hand, giving him a peck on the cheek, she was smiling as bright as ever.

"Thank you,"


a/n: sorry i haven't posted in a long time & this was a really rushed / shitty one-shot! will post more other ones tho! - r

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