➢ 7; please go back to sleep (au/songfic)

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[Dt; @Sweetly-melancholy for this one-shot request! I hope it's fluffy enough 😉]

The rain poured down outside, heavily gushing and splattering on the pavement, creating deep and shallow puddles all the way through. The canopy above their window collected the rushing water flow, leaving to only so much as drops on the glass of the window. Specks of raindrops that look like liquid molecules, racing other raindrops on the glass window.

And inside of that window, two people - a man and a woman, lay under their covers, swaddled in their duvet, the woman spooning the man in her arms, protectively, as light snores filled their cozy haven. The woman had long, luscious dark brown hair. Her eyelashes were as long as a giraffe's. The man had soft, dirty blonde hair that fell on top of his forehead. At that moment, all was peaceful. Until an alarm broke out and disturbed the once peaceful sleep that the couple was enjoying.

"Steve, turn it off," The woman grumbled under sleep. The man, Steve, opened his eyes, revealing the colors of the ocean as his eyelids fluttered open. Grabbing his phone off the bedside table, he carefully hit the snooze button, silencing the sound that once took over the room for a mere thirty seconds.

"It's alright, darling, you can go back to sleep," He replied, snuggling back into the comfortable covers he was in beforehand. They stayed there for a few minutes, trying hard to go back to sleep. But the woman seemed to be wide awake after going back to sleep for only five minutes. Her eyelids awoken, revealing her dark brown eyes, deep like chocolate. She blinked a couple times and yawned, as well as stretching her arms above. While she was awake, Steve seemed to be sleeping peacefully, smiling as he clutched onto the woman's thighs.

She pushed the stray strands of his dirty blonde hair away from his eyes, running her fingers across the soft, velvet feel. Steve stirred and mumbled the name, "Diana.." The woman replied, "Mm?" And all he did was sigh in his slumber while continuing to sleep.

The day passed on and soon the weather had gotten somehow worse. The couple, who were enjoying themselves cups of coffee and french toast, was planning to walk around the park that day. But their plans were jeopardized because of the horrible weather situation they were faced with.

"The rain's pretty heavy, huh?" Steve asked, sipping his coffee that turned cold sooner than expected. He immediately poured it down the drain, not wanting anymore.

"It is. A storm is expected tonight," Diana replied. "Which sucks because we were supposed to have a night out too," She sighed, obviously feeling crushed. It'd been a while since Steve and she had gone out and this was their chance - but the weather didn't think so.

Steve flopped himself on their couch and gestured for Diana to cuddle in with him. He grabbed the blanket on top of the coffee table and placed the large quilt on both of them, covering them from the cold.

"How about a lazy date in?" Steve suggested.

"Hmm. Doesn't sound like fun but, if it's with you then, sure," Diana attempted to act flirty which just resulted in Steve giving her a weird look and Diana chuckling, slapping Steve's arm playfully.

"Lazy date in it is," Steve smiled.

Thunder rumbled and lightning crashed that night, as Diana had said earlier. The couple were inside of their apartment, Diana stroking the fur of their cat, which they also referred to as their child, Pebbles.

Steve had gathered all the board games he owned, which were Monopoly, Cluedo and Pictionary. Diana was quite fond of Pictionary more than the other games. She thought Monopoly took too long and Cluedo was rather boring. The two spent a fraction of their evening playing Pictionary, which surprisingly they found rather entertaining.

After a game of Pictionary, Steve and Diana settled for a movie, which they both ended up falling asleep to.

"Hey, he kinda looks like you," Diana pointed to the man on the screen. The movie playing was Star Trek and Diana couldn't help but notice the resemblance between Jim Kirk and her boyfriend. 

"Hmm? He does. But I certainly look much better, don't you think?" Steve replied in sarcasm.

Diana laughed out loud, resting her head on his shoulder right after.

The weather continued to be horrible, even during the middle of the night. But the two wouldn't've traded their lazy date-in for anything in the world. Not anything.


a/n: yay another one-shot && this one's a fluffy one :) please keep on requestin because i'd like to hear from you in the comments or hmu in messages! Thank you! Ree XO

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