➢ 5; never to be forgotten

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[Dt; @stevie-trevor for the awesome one-shot idea! This one's for you 🤗]


For as long as I remember, it's always been the same old routine.

Cock the gun. Pull the trigger and bang! Watch it all fall down on the ground, slowly; sometimes, I imagine the blood-chilling moment go in slow motion, just ever so slowly. But that's only my imagination and it only ever goes one way, sweet and quick. Like a snap of a finger.

I stand here waiting for what's next. I know that it won't be a surprise. Another interrogate mission, I'm guessing.

But when I'm passed the thick pile of files and papers and other documents and what-not, I know that this will not be an ordinary mission. And I have a very bad feeling inside of me.

"Agent Prince, we need you and Agent Ramirez to hunt down our biggest threat yet. He's been described as extremely skilled, he has experience with the U.S Air Force, incredibly intelligent, especially when it comes to hijacking and one hell of a spy, just like you and Ramirez."

I scan the files quickly, my fingers brushing past the photo of my supposed target. He had damned blue eyes; clear and ocean-like. He looked too good to be an enemy of mine. But I had orders and needed to follow those orders. I wasn't going to let a good looking man stop me from completing one of my many missions. I slap the files down on the table, which Agent Ramirez – Violet – picked up.

"Alright, sir, when do we start?"


Cock the gun. Pull the trigger and bang! Here we go again.

"I've got the perimeter, you try to get in there and keep the hostile intact, okay?"

I slide past the security ever so carefully and whisper back into my communicator, "Roger that, Agent," I make out the entrance and see it's guarded by heavily equipped soldiers. I couldn't get inside by taking out the two without making it out alive with a missing limb.

"Agent, I need a diversion by the entrance. Two heavily equipped guards are in place and I cannot get past them," I whisper back to Agent Ramirez and she responds right away.

Suddenly, a heap of our head spies takes down each one of the soldiers. The rest who were with the soldiers, stop what they're doing and fight back to one of ours. I take this as a signal of running straight for the entrance.

A few of the enemy come at me, but I take them out immediately, knowing I needed to get into the entrance as soon as possible.

"Agent Prince, we got this!" One of our spies yell aloud and I barge inside of the entrance. One thing I loved, I never got hurt because of my special abilities already built-in, inside of me.

The inside is quiet and the sound, as well as the mood of fear, creep upon me. I walk carefully, knowing that there could be a trap here somewhere.


Cock the gun. Pull the trigger and bang! He's here and I know it. I feel his presence. Commander Steven Trevor, a former veteran and member of the U.S Air Force.

Footsteps emerge from the other end of this confined area. I know it's him. He was here all along. Just pacing back in forth for my presence.

"Diana Prince, long time no see,"

Long time no see?

"My love, have you come to return to me?" He says again.

What kind of bullshit is this guy talking about? His love? Me? Return?

"I'm only here for one job, Captain."

He chuckles and I grit my teeth. I get my gun ready to shoot him unconscious. I needed to keep him intact and shooting him dead would mean I've failed my mission.

"Of course, but don't you know, I'm not the enemy here?" He says as if he was innocent. My eyes lock with his and for a second, I feel weak. Why do they have to be so goddamn blue? And his face, how his hair fell softly down his face- Pull it together, Diana, he's the enemy here.

"Is that so?"

"Diana, don't you remember me?" He sounded dead serious now.

"How do you know my name?"

He looked hurt. Almost as if someone took his heart and ripped into shreds and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him.

"They really did take you away from me,"

Then I start to cry, not because I remember whatever that happened, but because I was confused. Confused as to why he was pointing directly at me, all his confusing little words.

"How do you know me?!" I begin to shout.

"Diana, please, it's me," He begs.

"Who are you and why do you think I am associated with you?" Tears fall down my face and I pull the gun right to his face. He puts his hands up in surrender.

Before he could say anything more, his soldiers come marching in and handcuff me from behind. I'm taken away and the only thing I see last is the tears falling down from Steve Trevor's face.


a/n : as i mentioned earlier before, if you have any one-shot ideas, please do not hesitate to hmu in the comments or my messages! I would love to write whatever you want me to write hehe :) Thank you for reading! See you next time! Ree XO

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