➢ 4; mishaps (au)

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Timothy J. Drake otherwise known as Tim Drake was just an ordinary orphan, until one day, Bruce Wayne had, subsequently, adopted him after hearing about the explosion near his orphanage center. There was just something about "Little Timmy" as Bruce would refer him as. But even after (trying and failing to) train him, Tim just can not stop moving. From his high seat, he could get down from there, right on the sofa, within seconds. Bruce didn't think of it as a disadvantage, rather quite the opposite. He thought maybe, just maybe, Tim could become a ninja or a spy in training in the future, when's he's become an adolescent.

So Bruce and Selina planned a romantic getaway for just the two of them for a whole weekend. Their worries and problems were shoved aside, except for one. Little Timmy. Not that Tim was a problem, but the problem was he didn't have a legal adult supervisor for the weekend to come. Bruce had referred to Alfred at first, but the butler was on holiday back in his hometown, Birmingham, England. So he crossed him off the list. Clark Kent was next on the list, but Bruce and he were clearly not on good terms at the moment. Moving on, he said.

Before he could see it, Selina pointed to Diana Prince's name and contact details. He wondered if she was in Themyscira right now or in America. He knew she had a pretty tight schedule and could never make it to most things from time to time but, she was worth a try. Plus, Bruce knew he could trust Diana. They're pretty good friends and as long as he remembers, Diana's been nothing but extremely genuine towards Bruce. Plus she's also wanted to see Little Timmy in person. She's seen pictures on Bruce's FaceBook, but never in real life.

Bruce looked at Selina, confused at why he was hesitant about asking Diana. She gave her partner a simple kiss on the cheek and repeated soothing words inside of his ear. Here goes nothing, he tells himself.

"Of course, Bruce! I'm not going to be returning to Themyscira until next month anyways," Diana sounded ecstatic like always. A rush of relief ran through Bruce as soon as Diana confirmed everything.

"Oh thank you so much, Diana, really. Selina and I were in absolute hysterics knowing we couldn't just leave Little Timmy alone," Bruce had a mix of worry, anxiousness, and gratitude mixed in the tone of his voice.

"No problem, Bruce, I'm happy to look after Tim for a while,"

And so it began. Though Tim was now five-years-old, according to his adoptive parents, he can still be an absolute hassle. To begin with, Bruce explained everything, with the help of Selina too, and I mean everything that Diana needed to complete during her time with Tim.

Diana learned that Tim was allergic to walnuts and eggs, vulnerable when it comes to illness, importunate and squeamish. Bruce described him as 'a handful' and warned Diana to be extra cautious when it comes to caring for the five-year-old boy, even if it was just for two days.

"I have this under control, don't you worry," Diana reassures, but deep inside, Bruce knows something or rather will happen. And he's not going to be surprised.

Day two of being with Tim and so far so great. Yesterday went well, as Tim seemed to have found a safe haven in Diana. They played board games - Pictionary which according to Selina was one of Tim's ultimate favorites, watched movies, mainly those action ones with huge alien monsters and even made lunch. Within less than 24 hours, Diana had made a friend in Tim. And she was super filled with relief.

Sunday morning and both Tim and Diana scoffed down platefuls of pancakes for breakfast. No eggs, of course, Diana knows to be extra cautious, Bruce's orders.

"So, Tim-tam, where do ya wanna go now?" Diana addressed Tim by a nickname she'd made the night before.

"Stroll around Metro Park!" Tim lifted his arms in joy, which made Diana smile.

"Alrighty, you get dressed and I'll get ready and right after, we will take a walk to Metro Park, okay?"

Tim nodded and the two got going.

After a few strolls around Metropolis, Diana had suggested that the two could stop by the churro stand and order a few to lightly snack on. Tim devoured his while running across the grass area of the park. Diana had told him to be careful as she let him go. Although she wishes she hadn't because Tim had ended up tripping a man over, who must've been in such a hurry, by the looks of his clothes

Diana immediately sprinted over to the little incident, apologizing to the man whom Tim had disturbed.

"Oh my, I am so, so sorry-"

"It's fine, ma'am," The man opposite Diana chuckled.

She helped Tim back on his feet and gave him a hushed warning about running off like that. Fortunately, he nodded his head and vowed to obey her from now on.

The man, who was wearing a hat that covered his face suddenly looked up to Diana and gave her a small smile.

Diana felt her cheeks warm up for a second, causing the man to chuckle.

"it just seemed like you were in such a rush,"

"Oh, no, no, of course not. Simply just strolling through the streets of Metropolis,"

Diana laughed along with him.

"I'm Steve Trevor," He extends his hand.

She takes it and smiles, "Diana Prince."


a/n: update once again hehe ♡ i am actually considering to turn this one-shot au into a two or three-parter, depending on the length of the story hehe. But what do you think of this? Also, I'd like to hear from you, my readers & please hmu in the comments with any one-shot suggestions. It can be anything, AUs, role-resverals or simply a one-shot that ties-in with the Wonder Woman plot! Please let me now, as I'd like to hear from each and everyone one of you! Thank you so much! Love, Ree XO

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