➢ 11; the barrier of benefits (au)

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[Dt; Justanotherfangurll for the one-shot request !! ♡]

"For real, your both thirty, your marital status is and has been single for a long time now, why don't you just get married?" Was the response, or somewhere along the lines like that, both Diana and Steve got when they were seen talking, laughing or generally, just together. It was hard to imagine that two friends, literally two friends who've been best friends for so long haven't broken that barrier – the barrier of benefits.

Lois and Clark started off as co-workers and look where they ended up, best friends but, together. But Bruce and Selina's story was far different from the others. Yet still, they managed to fall in love with each other.

Before they reached the so-called 'damned' age of thirty, Steve and Diana had dated a handful of people before. For Diana, a few bad boys here and there – those were her type. Steve was into girls who were confident, but not so full of themselves they become obnoxious and irritably loud. Alas, their relationships were good for the long-run, but never lasted that it earned an engagement, although Diana was close to one.

I said close.

So what were they doing with their lives single, free and reaching those ages? Sure Diana had her company and was deemed one of the most powerful businesswomen in the world but that wasn't everything to her. Steve, before owning a pet store, served in the American Army. Chew toys and the barks of dogs made his day, but could it make his whole life? Surely there was something worth more in both of their lives. Could it be love?

Maybe so?

"Diana's been acting pretty..odd?" Bruce said one time at a Justice League meeting. Clusters of 'I agree' filled the air and those came from Barry Allen and Arthur Curry.

"I don't know about you but my cousin," Lois referring to Steve Trevor, "has been pretty chipper for the past few days and I don't what it is, but I haven't seen him that happy since he graduated high school!" Lois said while sipping coffee with Clark one morning.

For an unknown reason, it was clear that Diana and Steve have been seeing other people, either or just wouldn't tell who it was. It didn't matter if their peers knew or didn't know them, they were just so curious as to why they were so damn ecstatic.

"He's like a dream, nothing I've ever, you know, seen?" Diana recalls to Lois, who she's become fond of since meeting her through Steve.

"She's amazing, I mean, she's all I could ever ask for?" Steve countered to Clark, amidst telling him all about the woman he met.

During Justice League briefings and general meetings, Diana would say 'Good morning' to every single one of the members. The others have never heard such a thing, especially not from each other. Something had changed or a certain someone had changed Diana, but not in a bad way, she was already great before. But someone filled that gap of true love in her heart. It was noticeable. It was good. To Bruce, Barry and Arthur, it meant getting pecks on the cheeks.

"How long do you think they're going to realize?" Steve giggled to Diana one morning.

Someone had to get it somehow, eventually. Diana and Steve took someone's - everyone's - word of advice and well, started a relationship, together.

He was the man Diana daydreamed about, while she was the woman that Steve had dreams in general about. No doubt they would eventually find each other in the end. They were a match made in heaven. Nothing stood upon them from being together at last.

"Sooner than you think, Bruce says I've been extra generous lately because of you," Diana smiles. Steve does too. He's glad he made his way into Diana's heart, not as a best friend, but as her significant other, her soulmate.

"I'm glad he thinks so," And Steve jumps on the couch, getting nearer to Diana and kisses her for the first time ever. "Do I really make you extra generous?" Steve stops in between kisses.

"He isn't wrong so, yeah?" Diana answers and Steve crashes his lips against hers again that she lets out a giggle. "Stop it," Diana playfully pushes him off so he stops kissing her plentiful.

"I'm just getting started," Steve's bright blue eyes glimmered.

And no one would ever know, no one would ever know that these two have been at it for a long time.

And how surprised they'd get.


a/n: rushed one-shot, i apologize!! school has started for me & homework and work in general has been kicking my ass. I hope to update more tho! - r

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