➢ 8; double trouble (au)

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[Dt; King_Kanye for another wondertrev one-shot request! Hope you enjoy this one! 😁]

Diana never realized how much of a pain it was to take care of a baby. She'd always picture it as an easy responsibility, but it came with so much more.

Right from when she found out she was pregnant, she never knew the consequences from carrying a baby.

"Honey, it's normal to throw up in the morning," Steve told her.

"Diana, it's perfectly normal to feel contractions," Lois Lane also told her.

Her doctor had told her all about the side effects of being pregnant, but Diana didn't know it could've been that hard to get through. Nonetheless, it was all worth pushing not one, but two of her twins when the day of her delivery rolled around.

Margaret and Robert, also known as Maggie and Robbie Trevor were the couple's little special miracles. Right from when they entered the world, Diana cried harder than she ever did in her entire life, and so did Steve. Maggie looked exactly like her mother, except with her father's blue eyes, while Robbie earned his mother's deep, chocolate ones and his father's blonde locks.

At that moment, everything seemed all so peaceful and serene. Cries of their newborns filled the air, both Steve and Diana couldn't contain the joy in their heart. After two days in the hospital, Diana was discharged and the two were ecstatic to start their new life as parents to two beautiful children.

The days were easy. Diana was currently on maternity leave and requested Bruce Wayne to keep her company going by hiring Clark Kent's cousin, Kara Danvers to take over her job, while she took care of her new ones.

While Maggie was alright after her many doctor appointments, Robbie was tested positive for asthma. This explained all the coughing and wheezing the couple heard every night. The doctor had explained that Robbie would be fine and he didn't need medical attention or a stay-in at the hospital. Diana was relieved.

"Maggie, please open wide for mama, I know you love your squashed pumpkin!" Diana held a spoonful of mashed pumpkin on one of her hands, feeding her eldest child, who was in a high chair.

Maggie shook her head, her bright blue eyes twinkling as she giggled. She spoke in a baby language, as she didn't know how to speak, yet.

Robbie, on the other hand, was sucking on his thumb. Diana rolled her eyes, "Rob, you need to eat your mashed Brussel's sprouts,"

Eating was just one of the hardest parts of parenting.

When Maggie and Robbie began to crawl, Steve and Diana had the hardest time when it came to inanimate objects that were within their reach. In this case, Diana had her mother's shield and sword stored away in the guest bedroom of their house. Maggie had managed to crawl her little figure all the way to the guest bedroom, finding her mother's shield and sword.

"Love, where's Maggie?" Steve stepped down from the stairs.

Diana was currently in the kitchen making dinner, when she answered, "The living room,"

Steve looked around and only saw Robbie in his playpen, watching Sesame Street.

"Dada!" Robbie squealed. At eight months, both the twins began to speak, but only knowing the words "Mama and Dada." Robbie had his little sausage arms in the air and Steve picked him up from his playpen and carried him around.

The younger twin giggled and drooled in joy.

"Where's Maggie, Rob? Where's your sister?" Steve asked his son as if he even understood what he said.

Robbie clapped his hands and shook his head absentmindedly.

"Well, she's not here, is she? Mommy lied to me," Steve tickled his son in the stomach, which resulted in Robbie laughing out loud.

Diana came in, with an apron and wooden spoon in her hand.

"Where's Maggie?" She asked. Steve shrugged.

"She wasn't here?" Diana asked again.

"Don't think so. Is she napping?" Steve replied.

"No, I left her on the couch she didn't want to be with Robbie in the playpen and oh no.." Diana realized where her daughter could've been.

Diana ran to the guest bedroom. It wasn't like it was the first time Maggie had been in here, in fact, she's been here multiple times, especially when Tim Drake babysat for the couple. She was always fascinated with her mother's weapons, that she'd make her way from the living room to the guest bedroom.

And there she was, inside of the concave part of Diana's Amazonian shield, smiling brightly at her mother.

"Mags, how many times have I told you not to go in here and sit inside of the shield?" Diana asked her daughter, who was currently giggling in joy.

Diana carried her, wooden spoon still in one hand.

"Now, let's get you back to that sofa and wait till mommy's finished dinner, alright?"

Maggie clapped her hands in joy as Diana carried her back to her beloved, favored spot, the sofa.


a/n: yay another cute, sorta fluff au!! remember to keep requesting my lovely readers, because I'd love to hear from you all! thanks for reading, love always - r

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