➢ 12 ; letters to diana

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Moving day. It was hectic, but all the work had to be done. It wasn't like some magic broom was gonna sweep the floors clean and fairy godmother would pass by and pack the boxes for you. I'm kidding. But as Diana was packing up the last pieces of equipment in the spare room of her apartment, a crumpled up piece of paper with bits of dust covering certain areas fell to the floor.

It had caught her attention.

Diana rolled her eyes because she didn't have time for things falling out of boxes – she had another day's worth of packing until the movers come and gather everything. So she picked up the piece of paper, whatever it was, and shoved it back into the box without looking at it again.

But something of it caught her eye, stopping her tracks. It was the fact that the piece of paper managed to be somewhat whole instead of torn into tiny shreds.

So she picked up the, what she knew now of a letter, and examined the writing. It was in cursive, very, very stained, ink splatters in some places here and there, but it was still readable.

Diana knew she still had a ton of things to pack, but a few minutes to read this forgotten letter wouldn't hurt, right?

It took a few moments to remember whom the letter was addressed to, what it was about when she got it and who it was from. Once she figured it all out, Diana had a huge smile on her face. Her face lit up like Christmas lights and she could feel a slight bubble of warmness inside of her.

A few tears trickled down her cheeks as she read through the middle of it. It was such a bittersweet moment, she was glad she stopped her tracks for this. After she read both pages - she realized it was double-sided, Diana reminisced for a brief moment. Amidst all the stress she was putting on herself now, this calming, serene moment helped her.

The letter read;

Dearest Diana,

When you're reading, I am probably already gone. And it's okay to be mad, I admit, I did have another choice and I would've avoided death. But what happened, happened and I hope you're not beating yourself up because of it.

Truth is, since that night, all I had in my mind was you. All I had in my mind was to save you. I knew that my death was upon near me, I knew my time would come eventually. I saw what you could do and I knew I couldn't let you save me this time, rather, vice versa.

You were so willing, Diana and I admire you so much for having such a humane personality, so caring, so compassionate, so full of love. You're everything that this world has lost. And you helped me find that love inside of me once again. And I thank you for that and I forever will.

I really meant that I love you that night. And I knew that you hadn't felt real love asides from your family and my love was alien. But it's okay.

That night I'll forever cherish in my heart. It was such a new feeling, so pure. And I really wish we did have more time than that.

I hoped after the events of the war, we could be together, you know? But plans change and I'm headed off to my destiny. But somehow, I'm not afraid to think of what would happened if. If the war all of a sudden just came to stop and I wouldn't have to make the sacrifice that I'm about to and we could be happy together.

I know it's stupid enough to think, but what if?

I know you've probably thought this too and I'm glad.

I don't have much time now, but I hope you still think of me, even when I'm gone. You'll be in my heart forever and I hope I'll be in yours too.

Forever yours,



a/n: this is honestly such a lame one-shot but i hope it makes up for the lack of update!! i'm really busy and i've started four social media books atm so i'm updating those too!! - r

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