➢ 9; never to be forgotten, ii

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[Dt; @ all those who requested for a part two to my one-shot "never to be forgotten (chapter 5), this one is for you! + i recommend reading the first part so you get this ☺️]

Also, happy 2k Wondertrev fam! Thank you for your pouring love and support for me and for this book. I love you all so much and I hope this much-requested sequel does you justice! lots of love - r


Cock the gun. Pull the trigger and ba-

I'm interrupted by a creaking sound coming from in front of me. My vision is a blur and I couldn't see who it was, but I could see my wrists, chained up to the wall. The floor is cold but dry. The walls are a blur of gray, possibly made out of marble. I feel my heart pumping fast inside of my chest, wanting to rip out so bad.

Murmurs fill up the once-silent atmosphere of the room and the tall blonde male – Captain Steve Trevor – entered the room with two armed men by his side. He whispered quietly, only they could hear and the two men left the compartment I was in, closing the door behind them, leaving only Steve in here with me.

Suddenly I felt more comfortable with the guards, heavily armed rather than the man who threatened and called me 'his love'.

"Diana," He stepped forward, inching closer to me. I wanted to so badly move away, but when I heard the clink of the metal chains around my wrists, I knew I was grounded.

"Diana, I'm not going to hurt you," He pleaded.

I finally spoke up, weakly, "How do I know that?" I gulped down the saliva building up inside of my cheeks, and because out of fear.

He reached his fingers out and caressed my cheeks. His touch was soft and for a moment, it felt awfully familiar, but I let that slide away.

"If I let you out of this cell, out of my sight I promise that you will not be harmed," He requests. "On one condition," He added on before I could even answer.



Cock the gun. Pull the trigger and bang!

When I awoke, again, my vision starts to clear up and I notice that my wrists are free to move. My short-lived freedom was shut into silence when he – Steve Trevor – entered the room I was currently in.

I noticed that the chair I was sitting in was cushioned. The walls were a light yellow and there was a nice, clean pot of just one plant in one corner. Between Steve Trevor and I was a tall ceramic table. There was a jug of water, standing tall and proud and beside were glass cups.

Steve Trevor sat vertically opposite me, with the same smug look he had across his face when he was talking to me earlier on.

"I know you don't remember anything and it's bull for me to try, but I will anyway," He trails off while pulling out some laminated photos from his pocket.

He slid the photos across the table to me and I examine the photographs very carefully. They looked old – majority in black and white.

"I thought, maybe, that these could, perhaps, refresh your memory?" He struggles to let the words out, but, does anyways.

Refresh my memory? Why?

There were photos of him next to an airplane, wearing an army suit as well as a wide smile across his face. He looked rather young, maybe, early-20s? His face showed eagerness, showed excitement, I could tell from the twinkle in his eyes.

I reshuffle the photos and find one with a woman wearing a gladiator type suit except with a skirt thigh high? For a second I thought she was me-

"Ouch," I felt a weird rush in my head, lightheadedness? Fatigue?

I shake my head, clearing it of any more pain and continue browsing through the photographs.

The woman, who looked like me, stood proudly with her shield, yet again, next to Steve Trevor. She had a slight smile on her face and so did he.

I sighed and put down the photo. Steve noticed me sigh in exasperation.

"You alright?" He asked. As if he was concerned about me? Pfft.

"Yeah, yeah, just a little lightheaded, that's all," I reply.

He pours me a glass of water as if trying to relieve me from a massive headache that was pounding inside of my brain.

I take it anyways and sip a few times before blinking my eyes open multiple times.

"Thanks," I mumble.

I know Steve heard because he smiled slightly and nodded his head.

I couldn't help but notice the blue in his eyes. Something told me he really wasn't the enemy and something else told me I've seen him before.

"Where did you get these photos from?" I ask, curious.

"Old pal of mine. Retrieved it from World War One," He says.

World War One? It's 1996, how could Steve possibly still be alive and looking so young? Perhaps this was his grandfather and his grandfather's girl in the photos. But to think that it would've been, his grandfather looked awfully the same, almost a carbon copy of Steve.

I simply nodded at his response.

And suddenly, there's a silence.


Cock the gun. Pull the trigger and bang!

Steve Trevor let me go and vowed to never capture me like that ever again.

Calling up the headquarters, I'm immediately taken back into our facility. Thankfully Agent Ramirez – Violet – was alright.

According to our boss, I was nearly gone for a week. But I wasn't on suspension for not completing the mission, instead, I was let off easy because of my temporary MIA.

Sitting in my office, I think about the moment back in that little yellow colored room with Steve Trevor.

Memory? Refresh? Me?

I blinked a few times, starting to feel the same pain in my head, just like before. Although this time it hurt like hell. I fell to the ground, crouching in pain.

I wanted everything to stop.

"It has to be me,"

There's that voice. It's so eerily familiar.

"It's not what you deserve, but what you believe,"

There it is again.

I see visions in my head and it's of Steve Trevor?

He's caressing my face, with his gentle, familiar touch.

"I wish we had more time," and his voice echoes the word, 'time'.

"I love you,"

And suddenly, my head doesn't hurt anymore.

And I realize everything as if everything was just a jigsaw puzzle and everything was solved.


I remember.


a/n: yay a part two! idk how to feel about this, but I hope you guys enjoyed reading it anyways!! I would also like to say I'm gonna be gone tomorrow til sunday, so no updates from now on :( but it's ok, I promise to update as soon as I come home from my trip! thank you so much, love, - r

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