➢ 6; rah rah rah (au)

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[Dt; @justanotherfangurll for the one-shot idea! Hope you enjoy ☺️]

"Ladies, back from the top. Lois, you're our top of the triangle, you need to be sharp and quick, alright? Have some confidence in there! We're going to compete for Nationals for God's sake."

Diana Prince was, no surprise, the head cheerleader in DC High. With the fittest squad of cheerleaders, she was always bound to win every competition and win the hearts of many boys. Envied by the rest of the women in the student body, Diana wouldn't take anything in her life for granted. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a goddess look like, right?

"Okay, okay, Clark, you need to work on your agility and your speed. We're going to Nationals in two months and I can't have sloppy players in my team."

Steve Trevor was the exact perfect replica of Diana Prince, but a guy version of course. He was stunningly handsome, with the perfect body and everything. It was almost too good to be true. Many called him 'above-average'. But that was just a label.

Now, you'd expect people like Steve and Diana to be together and be the perfect couple and blah, blah, blah, all the high school standards everyone expected from the most powerful people in the entire student body. But that was the opposite. Diana and Steve had bad blood. For as long as the two could remember, they just never got along. Though having the same hobbies - sports, the same social rank - extremely popular and the same army of friends - squads, Diana and Steve called themselves "complete opposites".

Despite their obvious rivalry, the student body'd always wanted the two to end up together. It was clear they had an attraction towards each other, even though they hated each other's guts. Nonetheless, they knew that would never happen. Or did they?

It was during a game of truth and dare. The usual. The common game of bullshitting another person for the sake of entertainment. And both Diana's and Steve's peers were determined to make them happen so that their never-ending sneering, negative vibe would..end.

The girls from the DC Cheer squad got Diana drunk. She didn't want to, but for some reason on accident, she had consumed 6 shots of spirits in the span of two hours. Which in her words were "absolutely horrendous to her body for cheer season."

Steve Trevor was too drunk. Although it was his choice in the first place anyways. But he didn't drink as much and when it came to truth or dare, he was slightly sober.

"Okay, my turn to spin!" Harley Quinn, a member of Diana's cheer squad squealed, eager to spin the bottle.

Funny enough, it landed on Diana. Harley had a wicked smile on her face. While her captain was laughing with a stranger on the other side of the couch, the rest of the cheer squad discussed their dare even though Diana hadn't picked either yet.

"Truth or dare, Diana?" Barbara Gordon smiled at her head cheerleader.

"Dare! Dare! Dare!" Diana drunkenly exclaims and tries to climb on top of Clark Kent's coffee table but luckily, Lois Lane and Kara Danvers refrained her from doing any further embarrassing things.

"Alright, I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Steve Trevor!" Harley cheered on and so did the rest of the party-comers. Suddenly, everyone was surrounding them.

Steve Trevor, who was talking with his friend turned his attention to Harley then, to Diana. He didn't hear what she said and Bruce Wayne had to repeat what Harley had just said.

"Seven minutes in the closet with what?!"


Here they go.

The tension between the two captain and rivals was thick. Neither Diana - who was suffering a massive headache at the moment due to the number of shots she took - and Steve wanted to speak up. Instead, Steve cleared his throat and Diana whistled, wanting time to go past, fast.

"I better hear you two making out in there!" Arthur Curry yells from outside of the door and everyone clamors right after he said it. Hollers of "make-out" could be heard and even some yelling out "make a move!" Probably boys chanting out to Steve.

Diana rolled her eyes and Steve exhaled with a huff.

"This does not mean anything." She said.

Diana grabbed his face forcefully and kissed him all over. She could feel him wrap his arm around her waist and the other, his hand, caressing her face. And she let him. Diana ran her fingers through his soft, dirty blonde hair and moaned. Who knew he was such a good kisser?

The two took a break, gasping for air and continued their make-out session. Diana found herself against the wall of the closet, Steve gripping tight onto her as he gave her kisses of affection on the neck. She was bound to have a hickey the next day.

The seven-minutes were over but the captains did not realise. It was only when Barry Allen had opened the door, the whole student body had seen a shirtless Steve Trevor making out with a topless, but with a bra on, Diana Prince.

"Uhh, your minutes were over..?" Barry had lightly and awkwardly explained.

Both Diana and Steve went beet red of embarrassment. But before walking away, Diana blew a kiss towards Steve's direction. Looking up to her direction, he smirked and chuckled to himself.

"Call me," she mouthed to him, using her hands to make a 'phone'.

He nodded. They both knew that this wasn't the end.


a/n : cliché au's are fun to make hehe thank you for reading this one-shot & please remember to keep requesting if you want! It really helps with my writing as well as pleasing you guys, my readers :) Love, Ree XO

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