➢ 3; lucky (au)

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Steve Trevor wasn't an ordinary guy and some would say he was "above-average". Diana Prince was the woman whom all despised, not because of her attitude, but because of her beauty. It was no surprise that when these two fell in love with each other for the first time, they would love each other for all eternity.

Being a businesswoman with a tight schedule and a very, very busy work-life balance, Diana's time spent with Steve was little to almost none ever since she started working as the CEO of her own company. She had to run all of this and all of that, remember this and remember that. Work life was more hectic than expected. But Diana was thankful she had something, rather someone to help her wind-down, and that was Steve.

Steve worked as a florist in a local florist shop downtown. Before, however, he served in the army, where he met Diana for the first time. Though she wasn't fighting in the army itself, he had a layover in Rome, where she formerly resided a few years back and by the Trevi fountain did they bump into one another.

Of course, as cliche, as it sounded, they met a few times after that. Diana was starting to think this man was really following her, which led her to suspicion. Steve finally told her he was just there for a few weeks and did not intend to follow her at all. She forgave him anyway.

Thus, it was a start of a short-lived friendship, but a budding romance turned into love. True love. What two funny words.

After the army, Steve simply just wanted to settle down with Diana, but not having to plan any kids - yet. So they decided on America, Steve's home country, his land of the free, in a small town in Illinois, quite close to Chicago where Diana worked.

As far as their life had come, Diana and Steve's relationship has been pretty normal. Kisses here and there, cuddle sessions at night and if they had the time, late-night passion-love-making. But those were reserved for occasions only.

Even though they have the usual kisses in the morning and cuddling at night, Diana feels a strain in their relationship. They've been together for two years and nothing big or 'progressive' has happened aside from their move from Europe to America. Diana's too engrossed in work and Steve has his florist shop to run. Their thought of owning a dog was soon forgotten too, leaving Diana and Steve feel alone whenever the other was gone. Little things such as date nights were wiped off their timetable too.

Though, Diana doesn't ever think about breaking up with Steve. She loves him too much to let him go. He's the best thing that's ever happened to her - her words exactly when she was gushing over him to Lois Lane one time. He felt the same too. He loved Diana more than any other girl, fling, whatever you may call it. He was hers and she was his.

But what were they gonna do at this point of their relationship? Nothing progressive's been happening. Just the same old routine.

One night, Steve decided to change that routine. So he closed the flower shop a little bit earlier than usual that day, picked up some of the carnations and peonies from the shelf. It's on the house, he told himself before locking the shop up for the next day to come. After that, he ordered some of Diana's favorite foods, which he remembered correctly was, pitas and Chinese food. It wasn't exactly romantic, but if it made her happy, it'll pass.

He entered their apartment and with no surprise, she wasn't home yet. Another busy day in the office, he guesses, but probably is correct.

In his hands, where the bouquet of flowers he brought from the shop, aromatic smelling food he had ordered for their 'romantic' dinner and a puppy he rescued from an animal shelter which they were meaning to visit for months. He saved a Yorkshire Terrier named Benny, who was currently 5 months old. The way it looked into Steve's eyes, it made him melt a little.

So here was Steve, waiting for his girlfriend to return to such a spontaneous-type night.

Diana was stuffed and for the first time in a long time, she was full of joy. After their delicious dinner, Diana played with Benny in the lounge, while Steve prepared his biggest surprise of all. Diana had no idea what was ahead of her, as she played with her new 'child'.

"Steve, honey, where are you?" He promised to return as soon as he was done - and that was ten minutes ago. Diana became suspicious, putting Benny down so he could run around and walked to their bedroom.

There, Diana found Steve on one knee. She knew what was about to happen.

Tears of happiness spilled out like Niagara Falls, on Diana's cheeks. She hadn't felt happiness like this in a very, very long time. And she couldn't wait to spend her happiness of a life with her soulmate.

"Yes, Steve, I will, I will marry you!"


a/n: long fluff au based on the song 'Lucky' by jason mraz & colbie caillat ♡ sorry for the long wait for a new one-shot! I've been busy w assessments & all kinds of revision w upcoming exams! but the school term is nearly coming to an end for me so yay! more updates expected in 2 weeks time :) Ree XO

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