3-physical and match

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Your POV

I stood in the room staring at the nurses and doctors, "Welcome." I turned to see Mori and Honey in doctor uniforms. They held they're fingers to their mouths, be quiet. The fangirls were staring at them very excited.

I went to a private girls clinic my dad talked to the school about. I sat in a chair waiting for the nurse. We went over basic stuff, like that I'm still 5"1. That I only gained 5 lbs since last year. Which is probably muscle mass.

But then it came to my left eye. I slowly took my eyepatch off and she looked at it. She touched my face gently I guess. She asked, "Still nothing?" I could tell my left eye was open but I couldn't see a thing. She said, "Have you seen this eye recently?"

When I shook my head no she brought me a mirror. I held the mirror in front of me, first I stared at my right (e/c) eye. Then I looked at my left. There's a white line running up and down straight through the middle of my (e/c) eye.

She said, "The scar tissue is visible. But you could have your eye open and show it." I simply put my black eyepatch back on, "I can't see out of it. Might as well cover it." The nurse simply nodded her head, "That's it Miss (l/n)."

After school I meet the host club in music room 3. Tamaki was frowning, "That's so sad." Then it changed to a smile, "I'm glad we could help him!"

I walked over to Mori, "Would you guys like to spar later today?" I heard, "Hmm" and saw Mori scanning the room. Probably looking for Honey. Honey came out of the pantry carrying a slice of strawberry cake.

I walked over and sat beside Honey and Mori sat beside me. I looked at him fully turning my head to face honey, "Want to try sparring today?" Honey smiled, "Really (n/n)-chan?"

I nodded my head yes, "Mhmm." Honey dragged me out of the music room with my left hand while Mori was on my right. We ended up in a limo. When we got somewhere we all got out.

I looked at the large nearby house. Honey grinned, "This is Takashi's house. We usually spar in his yard." I smiled, "thanks guys yet I kind of need sparring clothes." Mori went into his house.

Soon enough he brought out a black tank top that said 'Sweets' and grey basketball shorts. After I changed into them and they fit I figured out they're probably Honey's clothes. Although they'd be cute on him.

I smiled, "Thanks." Honey said, "Takashi doesn't she look pretty?" Mori nodded, "Yeah." I felt myself want to blush but I forced myself not to. Mori and honey went off to change. They came back in their outfits.

They kind of matched me, both having on black sweatpants. Mori has on a dark blue tank top while honey has on a pink one. I smiled, "Okay guys so... Who first?" I readjusted my eyepatch making sure it wouldn't fall off. Honey smiled, "Can I Takashi?" Mori nodded and honey smiled.

Honey and me walked out and we both bowed to each other. Honey immediately went to my left side. So he's automatically trying for my weak spot. I let my body adjust to semi autopilot. Honey threw shirikengs at my left side. Because of sensing them I caught them in my left hand. Then turned tossing them straight at honey.

Honey jumped up dodging them. I charged towards him falsely turning to my right. Putting him on my blind side again. Then after catching him off guard did the biggest backflip I could ending up right behind him.

Only for him to toss me over his shoulder for me to land on my back hard. I coughed trying to regain my footing. I kicked his legs from in under him and got up. Honey had started to circle me heading around towards my right. He looks like a lion encircling his prey.

I turned with him constantly keeping view of him. When he attacked I did a right jab to his shoulder while he landed a punch to my left shoulder. Ouch! Then I knocked his legs from under him.

Placing one hand holding his arm with shirikengs to the floor. The other an inch from grabbing his neck. Then in a second he flipped us and had his opposite hand holding a shirikeng an inch from my neck.

Honey got off of me helping me up slowly dusting himself off. He smiled, "Good job." I began dusting myself off, "You too." He pouted at me, "You didn't use much boxing... It's what you're most know for..." I ruffled his hair, "it's okay."

He's like a little brother I always wanted... He's so cute even though he's the same age as me. I'm only 17. Well he's 17 too (age based off anime.)

Honey grinned mischievously, "Now (n/n)-chan it's you and Takashi's turn." I turned and saw Mori walking over and I started stretching. Mori waited for me to finish stretching. While I was bowing I noticed honey on the sideline eating strawberry cake.

Mori's eyes looked so fierce when I saw them again. Mori began to walk towards my right side. What is he planning? I continued observing him. When he lunged towards me I did a basic side step last minute smartly using my movement to trip him.

Mori instantly got back up and started to do a close circle around me. After 3 of them I lunged at him surprising him. With that I did a left jab then a right upper cut knocking him back a few inches. Then he do some stepping arm sweeping motion to knock me off my balance and away from him.

I glanced at him again seeing the surprise in his eyes. I guess being 6"4 and around 200lbs means he probably doesn't get knocked back very often. I lunged with 2 right jabs to his stomach. 

Quickly knocking his feet from under him and pinning his arms at his sides. I got off offering him a hand to help him up, "Don't underestimate me because of my size. And don't let yourself get caught off guard." He took my hand but basically got himself up and nodded, "Okay."

Honey had a mischievous grin on his face walking up to us clapping, "Good job guys! Let's go eat cake!"

Originally Posted - July 23, 2017
Most Recent Update - July 10, 2019

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