20-Recovery Hosting

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Your POV

I woke up staring at a white ceiling. I noticed in IV and blood bag in my left arm. I looked down to see my right shoulder wrapped up. My eyepatch wasn't over my left eye I could feel so I just closed my eye. I felt Takashi holding my right hand.

I stared at his sleeping face as he sat in the chair beside me. I slipped my hand away. I tried its motion but the bandage limited it. I groaned, "Just move." Takashi's eyes started flickering. I weakly smiled at him, "Hey Takashi."

Takashi stared at me, "You're up." I nodded my head, "yeah." He gently hugged me around my waist. I really hope my arm turns out fine. But the big thing is we're both alive.

Tamaki burst into my room, "My darling daughter! Everything will be okay cause daddy is here!" Tamaki came over pulling me into a hug. I shoved him away, "Be gentle Tamaki!"

The hosts all came in. Haruhi said, "Hey (f/n) sempai how are you feeling?" I sighed, "Just pain. But it's okay. It'll get better. They got the bullets removed. It didn't damage any arteries, veins or bone. My muscle is recovering."

Kyoya nodded and closed his black notebook, "Then I'd say that's good. Your lucky." I nodded my head, "Yeah." Honey came over sitting a box onto my lap, "Here (f/n)." I smiled, "Thanks honey."

He grinned, "It's a strawberry cake and it's all for you!" I smiled at his enthusiasm, "Thanks. That's really sweet of you." The twins looked at me. Hikaru said, "So how long..." Kaoru said, "will it take..." Then they joined in unison, "for you to recover?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. It seems fairly okay." Takashi grasped my right hand and squeezed it.

It had been a few months and I had fully recovered. I smiled as I laid in my bed. I sat up to see Brownie and Rose curled up asleep at the foot of my bed asleep. I love them so much.

I got up and put some fish food into bubbles tank. I stared at the doll on the table. Takashi got me that... At the mall. Then I stared down at the bracelet on my wrist, this is the first thing he ever got me.

I stared at the beaded (f/c) bracelet. This is my first gift from him. I felt a smile come to my face. I walked into my closet and stared at that shoebox. He saw it on his first trip over here. (Sis/n) yelled at him too, well him and honey.

I stared at it for a good amount of time. I'm stronger now. I have someone that cares for me. Somebody to protect me. You stand no chance.

Me and Takashi sat on the grass in my backyard. I smiled, "Takashi." He looked at me, "Hmm?" I laid my head onto his shoulder, "I remember when you said you'd protect me." I heard him say, "I will."

I looked at Brownie and Rose chasing each other around the yard. (Sis/n) loves these dogs to no end. I laid my head onto his lap. I stared up at Takashi. I took of my eyepatch and put it in my pocket. I hope this shows I feel safe and comfortable around you.

Takashi moved my hair out of my eyes and ran his hand through it. It was about halfway down my neck. He doesn't control my decisions anymore. I actually love long hair. I stared at Takashi, "I love you." He nodded his head.

We're college students so we're happy when we get a day off. It's nice. I'm a business major getting ready to take care of my family. Takashi is too.

I entered the host club. I smiled seeing the familiar faces. Kyoya was typing on a laptop. Tamaki was standing doing large arm motions. The twins had hats on. Kasanoda and Haruhi sat at a table talking. Nekozawa was even here today.

I smiled, it's different. Yet I'm still happy about it. Then Tamaki saw me, he ended up running over to me. He started talking fastly, "I'm so glad you're back. What's wrong? Is college not going well? How's your arm? What's going on?"

I sighed and shook my head, "My class was cancelled so I came to visit the club." Tamaki got a wide grin, "Then come sit at my table." I shook my head no.

I ended up in the extra chair at Haruhi's table. Her and Kasanoda were just talking about school. I smiled in silence listening to the conversation. It's nice to be around Haruhi for a while again.

After all the guests left I was still in the room with the 5 hosts. I smiled, "I'm glad all of you are still together." Tamaki smiled, "I'm so happy I have both my daughters at the moment!"

Haruhi said, "You aren't my dad sempai." Tamaki went off into his gloom corner. Kyoya pushed his glasses, "It's nice to see you. How's your fiancé?"

I giggled, "He's perfectly fine." Hikaru said, "Wait so (f/n)..." Kaoru finished, "has a fiancé?" Tamaki came grabbing me around my waist, "He better treat you right!" I smiled, "I assure you he does Tamaki."

I smiled, "I'll be sure all of you are invited to the wedding." Tamaki smiled, "My daughter is getting married!" I just shook my heads at Tamaki's dramatics.

The twins said in unison, "Do we know the guy?" I nodded my head yes and left it at that. I mean it kind of is Takashi. I know that you know him.

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