22- The Beach

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Takashi's POV

I stared at (f/n). She grabbed my hand dragging me off the beach towel to the water. I saw her in her bathing suit. She looks so gorgeous. The water got to her waist while it was still on my legs. When it hit her neck it was on my chest. This is great for our honeymoon.

She came back a little bit and started splashing water at me. I smiled and splashed her back. I watched her stop and readjust her eyepatch. That's such a hinderance in her daily life, isn't it?

I gently splashed her and she was smiling brightly. Eventually though her splash started get weaker. Her muscles are getting tired. I went to he and picked her up. I put her in a bridal carry and brought her to shore.

I laid her on the beach towel. I laid beside her with my arms wrapped around her waist. I watched her yawn then slowly take off her eyepatch. She stared at me. I leaned and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She got closer and buried her face in my chest. She's so cute.

I ran my hands through her (h/c) hair she had grown to her shoulders. She gently kissed my chest. I pulled her close. Eventually I moved back a little and stared at her face. She had her eyes gently closed. There was a small smile on her lips.

I stood up and picked her and the towel up. I walked back to my family's beach house. I took her and laid her on the bed of the master bedroom. I went to the bathroom and began running warm bath water. I hopped into the shower and took a fast one while the tub was filling up.

When I got off I turned off the tub and felt the water, this'll be nice for her. I gently wrapped a grey towel around my waist.

I went back into the bedroom and gently shook (f/n)s shoulder. She mumbled in her sleep. I shook her again, "(F/n)." Her eyes began gently fluttering, "I have a bath ready for you."

(F/n) stretched her arms, "Okay..." Then she got up walking to the bathroom. She was stretching her arms the entire way. Then she closed the door.

Your POV

I gently got into the tub, it's still nice and warm... I began putting shampoo in my hair and trying to get all the sand off.

Eventually I finished and stepped out. I found fluffy grey towels and I wrapped myself in one. I went out of the bathroom and automatically to the closet. I closed the door and got into my suitcase. I put on a set of (f/c) underwear. I then got into comfy black leggings and a larger than me dark green shirt.

I went and found Takashi in the living room. So I sat beside him and noticed a cheesy romance movie was on. Usually he wants to watch action or horror. I laid my head on his shoulder and looked at the movie with him.

We watched till the end credits began to role. I smiled looking at him, "I didn't know you watched movies like that." Takashi nodded his head yes then gave me a sweet gentle kiss.

I gave him a hug around his neck and kissed his cheek, "I love you Takashi." He smiled and gave me a kiss, "I love you too, (f/n)."

He gently picked me up and packed me to the kitchen. He pulled out some (f/s). Did honey tell him? Takashi smiled and gave it to me. We ate in comfortable silence. I guess comfortable silence is what we do best.

We're just that okay with each other's presence that it's rarely awkward. I smiled at Takashi cause of my thoughts. His eyes are so calming. I saw his lips twitch up into a smile, "I'm happy I married you."

I nodded my head, "Yeah... I'm really glad it's you." Takashi pointed at my face, "I'm glad. You're really getting comfortable." I touched my face and noticed I didn't have my eyepatch on. My left eye was open.

I didn't even notice. I guess it's different since I already can only see with my right eye. I smiled, "Yeah I am. It's just me and you... Hey, I'm tempted to do something." He smiled, "What?"

I looked at him, "In private... Let the club see my eye." Takashi nodded his head. I know it's all up to me.

He came over and picked me up. We went back to the bedroom and he laid me on the bed, I began smiled. He leaned over kissing me. When we pulled apart our eyes locked. Takashi stared at me, "I love you, (f/n)"

I smiled, "I love you too. You mean so much to me Takashi." Takashi leaned in giving me a gentle kiss. I smiled into the kiss and it broke.

I sat at breakfast across from Takashi. He had two pieces of toast and milk in front of him. I had (favorite type of juice) and chopped up fruit.

We at in silence. What do I say? He didn't say anything so I stayed silent as well. I finished my food and put my stuff into the dishwasher.

Takashi planted a fast kiss on my forehead. I immediately felt myself blush. He turned me around and gave me a sweet gentle kiss. Then he pulled me into a hug. He loves me so much.

I stuttered, "I-I'm sorry." Takashi said, "Why? You don't have to be sorry." I said, "Be-Because of l-last night." He said, "I'm perfectly fine with waiting till your ready." He gave me another kiss as he hugged me. I'm sorry Takashi. I'm just messed up a little bit.

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