25- My Little Love

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Your POV

I woke up and noticed Takashi beside me smiling. He said, "It's okay." The nurse came in bringing in our baby. I was handed my little one that was wrapped in a white blanket with a blue hat on. His black hair peeked out from under the hat.

The nurse asked, "Do you have a name yet?" Takashi nodded and I said, "Haru Rinsato. He'll be Haru Rinsato Morinozuka." The nurse smiled and had me write it down on a piece of paper.

Takashi gently picked up and held Haru. I smiled, "It's nice. He's so peaceful sleeping." Takashi then placed him on my arms, "Here (f/n)." The nurse smiled, "You're baby's big. Born at 6:21am. He's 18.5 inches and weighs 9lbs and 7 oz."

I gently smiled, "Hey little Haru. Did you already hear your a big boy? Just like daddy?" Takashi gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled, "You got daddy's hair. It looks like you got his lips too." Takashi smiled, "He got your nose."  Then his eyes started fluttering open.

Takashi looked at me, "He's got your (e/c) eyes too." Then his eyes fluttered shut again. I gave Haru a gentle kiss on his forehead. I looked at Takashi and he leaned in giving me a kiss. The nurse left the bassinet thing beside my bed and she walked out.

Haru was sleeping in his bassinet. I heard a knock on the door, "Takashi..." Takashi nodded and went and opened the door. Mom, dad and (sis/n) came in. (Sis/n) came and gently stared at Haru, "He's so big." Mom smiled, "I think he takes more after Takashi then you (f/n)."

Dad patted Takashi on the back, "I'm proud of you." I smiled and (sis/n) came and sat on the foot of my bed. (Sis/n) said, "I'm making it to the national dance competition." I smiled, "That's great news, (sis/n)."

She sighed, "Sorry you're losing your title for a year everywhere." I smiled, "It's okay. I'm very happy about Haru. I love him."

About and hour after my parents left I heard another knock. "Takashi can you?" He nodded and got up opening it again. The host club came in. Haruhi came over and stared at Haru. Tamaki stood holding Haruhi's shoulders looking from behind her crying.

Tamaki came over and grabbed my hand, "I'm so proud my beautiful daughter had such a handsome son. He's so adorable. I'm think you will be really happy. He's going to be such a handsome man. He'll take after me and Mori." Haruhi came over and pinched him, "Be quiet the baby's asleep."

Tamaki looked at her with a pouty face. The twins stared into the bassinet. In unison they said, "He so little." Takashi was now standing between me and the bassinet. Kyoya came to the bassinet analyzing my baby. Well thanks for being yourself Kyoya. At least I know you aren't possessed by kindness or something.

I smiled, "His name is Haru Rinsato." Haruhi smiled, "That's such a cute name." Tamaki smiled, "Haru like Haruhi. See you're the inspiration for such excellence." Haruhi hit Tamaki on the back of the head, "Knock it off Tamaki." Takashi brought me Haru who was waking up.

I gently smiled, "Haruhi do you want to hold him?" Haruhi smiled, "I can?" She moved her arms and I placed him in her arms. Mitsukuni stared at Haru's face, "Hey Haru. I'm kind of like a uncle in a way. You can call me honey." Haru started laughing and both Haruhi and Mitsukuni's eyes lit up. Tamaki cooed, "Oh isn't Haru just the cutest?"

I smiled at them, "Yeah. Haru's really cute." The twins stood on each side of Mitsukuni staring at Haru.

I got out of the car slowly with the car seat carry part. I smiled, "Haru we're home." I entered the house to see all our staff waiting. In unison they all bowed, "Welcome, young master."

Me and Takashi stared at them. I smiled, "This is Haru Rinsato Morinozuka. He's our baby boy." Everyone smiled and started clapping for us. I felt tears well up in my eyes, they care about us so much.

Lilac as our head maid. Fredrick as our head butler. Besides that Igami, and Kota our chefs. Kayona our maid and our butler Steffon. Plus 2 chauffeurs, Damion and Rick. Our gardener Candy. And our doctor, Doctor Felina Hontaru. Our small staff of 10.

Takashi pulled me by my waist into a hug, "Thanks guys." Everyone nodded their head in respect to Takashi.

I laid down in bed after tucking Haru in. I hope you enjoy your first night in your home Haru. Takashi kissed me, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too."

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