35-20k bonus/final chapter

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Tanae's POV

I woke up and pulled the blanket off Tora. Tora is a sound sleeper unlike me. Her grey eyes fluttered open and I felt a smile come to my face. I sighed, "Come on, we have to get ready for today."

Today is me and Tora's wedding day. I'm getting married to Edward Linebach. He has black rimmed glasses and messy brown hair. His dark blue eyes like the deepest ocean.

I'm entering Linebach are known for glass work. From church stain glass windows to cups, all of the highest quality. While Tora is entering the McQuell's. A sports family that only came to the scene about 15 years ago.

In all honesty its probably worst for Haru. Haru is inheriting the Morinozuka style and the l/n style. Cause Aunt sis/n isn't going to learn the l/n style. She runs the glass industry and is a painter.

Tora's POV

I stared at Zach's McQuell short blonde hair. His happiness and how outgoing he is being the reason I fell for him. I saw him from the end of the aisle. His green eyes stared into my grey ones. I felt my eyes water. I smiled as I couldn't take my eyes off him. 

I was on the left of dad while Tanae was on the right of dad. I then noticed Edward beside Zach. I knew that this was our day. The ceremony would be Ed's vows then Zach's. Tanae then me. Followed by us both kissing at the same time. I gently sighed and stared ahead.

Zach's POV

I stared as Tora's (h/c) hair swayed side to side. I smiled while we gently swayed. I'm so proud of our first dance. I can't believe we started out as lunch buddies. She never cared that my family didn't have a name till 15 years ago. Even though the Morinozuka's have. I smiled at the thought that this all started with a letter she gave me our last year in high school. How did she ever fall for an idiot like me? Well either way, I'm glad she did.

Tanae's POV

I sat beside Ed as the last toast had been done. I sighed, "They sure got at you with stories." Ed rubbed the back of his neck, "I know." I said, "I'm glad you said you like liked me five years ago." Ed said, "What else was there to it? You're straightforward and nice."

I said, "I'm blunt." Ed sighed, "True. Tora is the more silent of you two." I nodded, "Now it will be Zach's turn to stand up for her. I don't really have to worry too much about it." Ed nodded his head and gently grasped Tanae's hand.

Haru's POV

I stared at Lynn Housef, my guest. Her gorgeous light brown hair and baby blue eyes. Even though she was removed from line of the crown she still acted regally. Lynn is reserved but she's proud of what she does. I smiled, "So how has this been?" Lynn smiled, "Amazing. I can't believe father let me come with only Tyler." I nodded, "At least it's only your personal bodyguard." She nodded, "Yes that is true."

In her family's eyes she still had to be guarded. As well as her siblings. Lynn showed me a soft smile, "Haru Morinozuka, hmm... it's so nice to get out. I wish this night could last Haru." I nodded my head yes, "I feel the same Lynn." Lynn sighed, "We've been courted for three years in total. Engaged for one, hopefully one more year Haru." I nodded while she slid the engagement ring around her finger. Lynn said, "Howard is married and so is Gwen. The ones younger than me, James and Fredrick, have yet to though."

Your POV

I stood beside Takashi. I had on a dark blue long A-line dress. Takashi had on the average black tux and white button up. He had removed his tie and undone two buttons.

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