33- Auntie

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Your POV

Today I decided to give all the hosts a break from parenting. So I waited this Saturday for them to come in. First came Haruhi with Hiromi and Adrian. Hiromi being 10 with her brown hair and blue eyes. Adrian's to being 7 his blonde hair sticking up in places and his violet eyes sleepy.

Then came Kyoya packing in a sleeping black haired Cynthia. I couldn't see her pretty emerald eyes. Kyon stood beside him wide awake so I could see his emerald eyes and blonde hair. She's 6 and he's 8. Kyon held a green notebook writing in it with a pencil.

Hiromi took Cynthia from Kyoya's arms. Being helpful as always and she laid her on the couch as Adrian pulled a cover over her. Adrian said, "This should prevent her getting cold and help her. I glanced at the mini Tamaki as Kyoya left.

Kyon sat down beside the couch still writing in his notebook. Hiromi started humming and Adrian joined her. Then I heard a gentle knock and I opened the door. A little person ran past and I turned noticing Taylor (6) with her black hair and big brown eyes.

I turned to honey who had a bassinet on wheels rolled up. He rolled it in then sat the baby bag beside it. He smiled, "Thanks so much for doing this (f/n)." As honey left I stared in the bassinet at the blonde baby with amber eyes, little Tyler.

Then the door opened and Mabel came in closing it behind her. Her being a red head with freckles made her demand attention. Her deep blue eyes were stunning.

Soon enough I got everyone into the dining room. Then with Hiromi's help I convinced everyone to sit down. Then the twins walked in and sat down glancing around the table. Our two chefs brought out everyone's food.

Cynthia and Hiromi had 2 strawberry pancakes each. Kyon had 3 regular pancakes. Taylor had 2 chocolate pancakes with syrup. Mabel had a cup of yogurt and a bowl of chopped fruit. Adrian had 3 scrambled eggs, due to being lactose intolerant. Both the twins had a pack of pop tarts. I was feeding Tyler a warmed up bottle.

After breakfast the twins had left to hang out with their friends today. I'm so proud that they have friends.

Hiromi came up to me, "Auntie." I smiled, "What is it?" Hiromi said, "Cynthia wants her mom and Taylor is cold." I nodded, "okay."

I went and turned up the temperature 5 degrees. Then I found Cythia in the dining room coloring with Taylor and Hiromi. I reassured her that mommy and daddy were spending time together and they'd come back to get her.

Then I checked on Mabel who was asleep in my office on the couch with headphones on. Okay all the girls are fine. Then I went to the living room to notice Adrian talking very excitedly to Kyon who had tuned him out and was writing in his notebook.

I went and got Tyler from his bassinet and was rocking him to sleep. Once he was asleep I put him back in it. Then I heard the doorbell. I glanced out the peephole and couldn't see anyone. I shrugged my shoulders and took all the kids to the dining room.

Then the doorbell went off again. This is creepy. My stomach is really upset. Something must be really wrong... I looked at Mabel and Hiromi, "Hiromi you know where my bedroom is right?" She nodded her head yes, "Of course Auntie." I looked at them, "You and Mabel. Everyone upstairs." Mabel said, "why?"

I handed Hiromi a bottle and a pacifier. Then I handed Mabel sleeping Tyler wrapped in a blanket. I said, "Listen just do it. Lock my bedroom door. Then go into the bathroom. If anything happens besides me getting into the bedroom with the key and calling out to you it's safe. If anyone gets inside the bedroom besides me or Takashi. Mabel then it's up to you to very quietly call the police."

Then the doorbell went of again and my heartbeat accelerated. I went with them up the stairs then nodded to the as they closed the door. Taylor looked like she was on the verge of tears. Hopefully it's all okay. But this is freaky... I have all the staff on a day off after breakfast.

Kyon seemed to have been calculating in his head. Cynthia was silently crying. "Auntie." I walked to the front door, and it rang. I stared at it, then I looked out the peephole again. Nothing. I looked out the windows trying to get a glance. Nothing. The doorbell rang again. I'm trained for fighting.

I grabbed the door handle. I unlocked it then yanked the door opened. Nothing. I glanced around then I felt a blade to my neck. I heard, "You finally opened the door." He slammed it shut and cut the knife into my throat a little.

He said, "(f/n) (l/n) or (f/n) Morinozuka. You cause a lot of trouble." Then he tsked, "Why else would you be so weak?" The knife got little deeper. I sighed, "Who hired you? You assassin..."

He laughed, "So you guessed my occupation. Well this was asked if by many in my business. I was the only one that would accept. I guess you deserve to know who wants you dead. That's... Him. I'm sure you know him and his brother. They're a great duo right?" He loosed the knife reliving the pressure. But I felt the blood running down my neck.

He sighed, "You're weak and easy. They said stabbing and shooting you didn't work." I kept silent. He sighed, "I was hoping for more." I said, "more." He said, "Yeah."

I said, "Then take my title as stake." He laughed as though it was a joke but the knife came off my neck. I grabbed his wrist making him drop the knife and flipped him over my shoulder.

His brown eyes shown shock and his black hair was messy. I said, "Just sleep." I got three jabs to his face and a hard kick to the head. He laughed loudly, "This is what I wanted!" I remembered the kids waiting for me. For their Auntie and my babies their mom. He can't win.

He pulled out a knife and slashed my calf then got up. I moved and did a round house kick hitting his gut. He went down again. I went to get him but he hopped up and stabbed my stomach. He left the night in. Then he pulled out a gun, "Funs over." Then his laughter filled the room. Then I smelt the gunpowder. My body didn't feel anything. Nothing. He looked at me, "Bye bye (f/n)."

He walked out the front door like it was nothing. I looked down at myself, I saw blood. I felt the urge to scream my lungs out. The I heard crying, Tyler. He didn't hit my head or my heart. I'm here. I said, "Okay? Auntie is here, okay?" I then couldn't hold it anymore and screamed in pain.

I grabbed my cellphone out of my pocket and called the emergency number. The operator picked up, "What's wrong?" I said, "I've been... Shot. The kids... Are in the... Master bedroom.. Told call.. Call cops if someone gets in room... I live at XXX Blank Rd... Send... Send help..."

I saw black dots. I think it shattered a lower rib. I think it... I heard, "Miss? Miss?!" I said, "What?" She said, "Help is on the way please stay on the pho...."

I felt heavy. What happened? How much weight did I gain? I couldn't move my arms. I heard, "I love you." and felt someone touch my face. Their hand moved away. No I wanted that... Then I heard a girl, "Auntie, I'm sorry." Then another girl, "I'm so sorry Auntie. I'm sorry..." Then it went dark again.

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