17-Ouran Fair Drama

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Your POV

I couldn't believe it was getting close to the end of the school year. It was time for the Ouran Fair. It's so exciting. All of the club were in white tuxes for today.

I was in a white dress that had o poofy bottom that went to my knees and a red sash around my waist. It only had one strap and it was on my left side. I had even changed my black eyepatch for a white one to cover my left eye.

We were hosting guests that were coming for a last time of the school year. Takashi and honey have been getting more requests. But it's probably because they're going to graduate. So this one of the last time girls can request them.

I walked around the room seeing the girls happily smiling. This is actually nice. But then I felt my stomach churn a little bit, "of course" I mumbled. I turned around scanning the room for what it could be.

Then I saw Kyoya's head move and his glasses hit the floor. I moved over to see the man in front of him was actually his dad. What in the world? Would would someone slap their own kid?

The club was silent staring at them just like I was. Until Haruhi finally came closer to them.

Tamaki stood at the top of the stairs frowning. Beside a girl with orange hair that had a sly smirk on her face. That isn't Tamaki. That's not how he acts. Tamaki is a happy go getter. Tamaki sighed, "After this fair the host club will be disbanded."

All of us stood in shock. Even Haruhi who had finally hit her guest quota today. Disband this club... Why? I can sense there's some trouble brewing.

We were ready for the finale to the fair. But my stomach is in knots. Probably all due to that girl Eclair.

I watched all of the hosts dress up. But Tamaki is missing. I slipped on a (e/c) dress that went to my knees. It had two thin straps and a v neckline. Technically they made Haruhi the princess so I don't even have to worry about performing. I can just be a back up.

I watched as the guys started running around but I stayed where I was. Oh no, this isn't going to be good. I hated the knots in my stomach. I watched as Haruhi and the twins hopped onto a carriage.

Eventually Tamaki and Haruhi returned together while one of the twins had a cast on his arm. I learned that Haruhi told him even she liked the host club and that's what made him decide to stay.

I stood against the wall watching the people at the ball dance. I felt a smile grace my face watching people look at Haruhi surprised. It seemed like nobody noticed it was her. They just thought the host Haruhi had gotten sick.

Takashi walked over to me, "How do you feel?" I sighed, "Well it's been a crazy day. But I'm relieved Tamaki is back. He's actually really kind hearted." Takashi nodded, "Yeah."

He offered me his hand and we danced. I twirled around in his hands. Then there was a noise. I turned to see fireworks going off and Takashi pulled me in for a hug. He whispered, "I love you." I whispered back, "Me too."

After the fireworks the club headed in. We sat at a long table. Tamaki started rambling on about how me, Takashi and honey were going to graduate. I just kept staring at the wall. I'm actually going to graduate. I'm going to get out of high school. That leads to college which leads to...

Tamaki pulled me into a hug breaking my train of thought. I stopped and stood still. I tuned out the world around me. This club has changed me. I'm not as likely to throw someone that randomly touches my left side. I eat sweets on occasion. I still spar trying to increase my skill. I actually feel a connection to this group.

I tuned back in to hear Tamaki, "One of my daughters are leaving me. It's a sad sad day when a child leaves their parent. It's so different without then around! Because children are the future of everything!"

I glanced at him, "Tamaki you know I'm older than you." Tamaki went off into his gloom corner and mushrooms started popping up. I sighed, "Tamaki. It's okay. You're a very smart and kind person..."

He didn't buy it and he just stared at me with puppy eyes. I shook my head no refusing to fall for his eyes.

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