•Chapter 6•

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*Ava's POV*
I woke up to the smoke alarm going off. I sat up and checked the time on my phone. 7:20. Why is the smoke alarm going off at this time. I put my phone back on the night stand and got up to see what the screaming and alarm was all about.

Once i was in the hall all I see is Jake with his vlog camera laughing at what is going on inside the room Chance, Anthony and the Twins share. I peek through and see Jake set the floor on fire. That explains the smoke detector. I shake my head because I'm going to have to get used to things like this. I walk downstairs and it was pretty quite. Obviously it being 7 in the morning and the noise upstairs.

I walk to the kitchen and pull out eggs and bacon. I make myself eggs, bacon and waffles. Me not thinking I'm living in the Team 10 house now forget if I make something I had to make everyone the same thing. I eat as fast as I can before anybody comes down. Because I love my food and if someone takes it away from me they are going to get murdered.

I peacefully eat my breakfast and go back up to my room and get ready for the day. I try a good but casual outfit because who knows what these people are planning for today.

I end up wearing this 👇👇👇

Today I thought I'll go explore the streets of LA and maybe even the famous pink wall everyone talks about

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Today I thought I'll go explore the streets of LA and maybe even the famous pink wall everyone talks about.

I walk back downstairs and see everyone is doing their thing. Tessa, Nick and Erika are working on their computers while the rest are being the dumb and crazy people you see on the vlogs.
"Ava say GoodMorning to the Jake Paulers"
"GOODMORNING JAKE PAULERS" I say tying to sound as enthusiastic as Jake was.
"What are you looking all pretty for" Anthony asks
"Nobody. I wanted to go out and explore LA but I'll get lost all by myself. I was thinking maybe Logan will take me." I say

They all look at each other skimming on something.
"What if we go with you and show you around. I mean it's going to be pretty good content and montages" Kade said
"Well if you guys want to" I said unsure
"Let's do that thanggg" Jake said doing a transition

We all get on the Team 10 mobile and drive to where ever they decide on. We past many well known places in LA until we get on a street very familiar. Hollywood Boulevard. Me being me I got really excited because I always wanted to see the stars. I know. I know. Classic tourist thing to say.

We park the bus and all hop out and the looks we got were hilarious. I mean imagine seeing 10+ people hop out of a bright orange van. Once we all got out we walked and talked about everyone we knew on the stars.

"Omg it's micheal Jackson. I can't leave without a picture" I said all happy
I pose for Kade while he is our designated photographer. He takes a couple and continue on. Once we reach the end Jake gets the van and pulls up to where we all stopped.

"Next stop!" Jake said
It took a while to get where our next destination was. They blindfolded me because it's a "surprise".
"Is this a prank guys?" I say because you never know with them.
"No it's not we are almost there"
I felt the bus come to a complete stop. But they told me I had to keep the blindfold on. We walked for a long period of time and felt that we are on a trail.

At one point I thought they were just going to try to get rid of me by leaving me in the desert but who knows. We all stopped walking and they told me to take my blindfold off.

And to my surprise we were at the Hollywood sign. It was beautiful. It was better then people make it seem. I look at it in Aww. This experience is so surreal. I turn around and hug Jake thanking him for this because it's been a dream of mine since I first found out Logan and Jake were moving out here.
A/N: hey loves it's been a while but I've been really busy with my fan account @puroteam10 (shameless plug) but I hope you guys liked this chapter comment what you want next and don't forget to vote if you want more 💗

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