•Chapter 29•

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*Ava's POV*
(On the phone with Maggie)

A- hey maggs
M- hey Ava
A- I miss you so much
M- I miss you too come over to my apartment so we can hang out, I wanna see that belly also
A- *chuckles* of course send me the address I'll be there
M- alright see you soon honey buns
(Off the phone)

"Hey jakey I'm going to Maggie's house I'll be back later, tell Ivan for me please" I said
"Alright be safe"
"Yes dad" I said rolling my eyes. 👇

I walked to my car and started the engine

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I walked to my car and started the engine. I put Maggie's address on my gps and headed off.
I'm glad she lives in Hollywood because it wasn't far from where the team 10 house is.

*at Maggie's house*

"Maggie!" I said speed walking to her
"Omg look at that belly" Maggie's said rubbing my belly. "Ivan got lucky"she said I laughed.
"Well I got lucky to have him also"

We walked to the elevator and she pressed the button to go up to her floor. The elevator opened and she lead the way to her apartment.
"I have a surprise for you" she said "well more for the babies"
"Alright let's see" i said. She gave me a bag full of things.

I pulled out toys and essentials like bottles and bibs.
"You shouldn't have" I said hugging her
"But I did" she said. I got up and hugged her.
"What would I do without you" I said
"Maybe be lost and not knowing what to do" she laughed at her own joke.

We decided to go to the grove. Maggie drove as she insisted because I'm pregnant, that was her excuse. We got there and went straight to h&m.  I bought some accessories as most of the clothing won't fit me.
"Let's go eat we are hungry" I said pointing at my tummy.
"Well what do the children want" she asked
"Ummmmm" I said fake thinking "CHEESECAKE FACTORY" I said we both paid for our things and walked out to find the Cheesecake Factory.

A nice lady attended us and sat us down at a table outside.
"What are you going to eat?" Maggie asked
"I'm kind of feeling a salad and a chocolate cheese cake"
"The kids like eating healthy and have a sweet tooth like their momma" she said "well I'm getting pasta and a key like pie cheesecake"

We both ordered our food and not long after our food arrived.
"I don't know if I'm gonna say this because I'm hungry or because it is but this salad is beautiful" I said making both of us laugh.

Mid Into are meal a couple fans spotted us and asked for pictures.
"Omg you look so beautiful" one of them said
"Well I feel a little bloated but" I said joking
They all laughed at my horrible joke.

They said their goodbyes and I tried paying the bill but Maggie did put up a fight. We walked out not wanting to know anything about food for at least 2 hours. Maggie drove us back to her house where we did an updated Best friend Tag.

*back at the team 10 house*
"Guys I'm home!" I said "hellooooo?" I asked
"Is anybody home" I looked around the house
"BOO!" Jake said popping up behind me
"Jake what the fuck" I said slapping him on the shoulder "you almost took the babies out of Me" I said holding my heart. They all laughed coming out of there hiding places

"Well that wouldn't be so bad" Ivan said hugging me from behind.
"I guess not" I said agreeing with him
"So what have you guys done all day" I asked sitting down at one of the counter stools in the kitchen.
"Well pretty much the same thing we do everyday, but Chad did fill the pool back up" Anthony responded
"Nice I might have to take a dip tomorrow" I said thinking about it.

I walk upstairs to change into some comfy clothes. I've been on my feet all day. I just wanna lay down.

I lay down on Ivan's bunk.
I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but like always the boys came barging in to play om their XBox.

"Don't you see I was trying to sleep here" I said
"Sorry my love" Ivan said giving me kiss
"Sorry isn't going to cut it Martinez"
"Well maybe after those twins are born I'll make it up to you" he said smirking
"Oooooooh, get it Martinez" Chance said
"After the twins are born you aren't getting anything Ivan" i said laughing at his remark
"Don't worry I'll get it out of you" he said
"Sure you will" I said turning on my side and finally falling asleep.

A/N: hey cuties💓 thank you for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment what you want to read next. Until next time 💗

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