•Chapter 37•

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*Ava's POV*

Today everyone decided to go out but Ivan and I decided to stay home as we are really sleep deprived with the twins. Ivan made us breakfast this morning.
"Thank you babe" i said giving him a peck on the cheek. He went to pick up Isabella from her bacinete.
"You're going to be a daddy's girl aren't you" Ivan said talking to Bella. She let out a laugh.
"Oh is that funny to you" he said tickling her.

"Her laugh is the cutest thing ever" I said
"It sure is" Ivan said lifting her up and kissing her in the head.
"Aren't you guys the cutest" I said "you are more goals than daddy and mommy are" making her laugh even though she didn't understand anything I said.

"You are going to be like mommy, you laugh at everything" he said to her.
"I don't know if that's a compliment or what but-" I said eating my food before I got cold.
"Thank you for the lovely breakfast my love" I said getting up and going downstairs to put the dishes away.

"You guys are inseparably" I said as I got up to the room and Bella and Ivan were still playing.
"Avi is still sleeping wonder where she gets that from" I said obviously talking about Ivan.
"She's needs her beauty sleep isn't that right Bella" he said

"Well we better go out and do something for the day" I said
"Where do you wanna go" Ivan said putting Isabella on a play mat.
"I don't know" i said looking in my closet
"How about the grove" he suggested
"Sure now go get dressed" I said. I quickly found an outfit👇

 I quickly found an outfit👇

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"Let's go" I said. I grabbed Isabella while Ivan grabbed Aviana.
"Don't forget the diaper bag" I said
"Already got it" Ivan said proud of himself
We walked out to my car and we both put the babies in their car seat.

We closed the doors and Ivan drove while I sat in the back keeping an eye on the girls.
"Why is there so much traffic" Ivan said agitated
"That's why I don't like to drive in LA" I said

We finally got to the grove and parked in the parking garage.
Ivan helped me get the girls out and put them in the stroller. We walked to the grove and decided to go inside top man.

Ivan was trying to find new clothes but wasn't having any luck.
"How about this?" I asked hold up a shirt.
"That's nice" he said grabbing it
"Go try it on" I said. We walked to the fitting rooms, I sat on a little bench they had outside of the fitting rooms while Ivan went inside to change.

"Oh I really like that shirt" I said as Ivan came out.
"I'm getting it" he said like a 13 year old girl shopping.

We payed for the shirt and walked out.
"Now where?" He asked
"I don't know, H&M?" I suggested
"Let's go" he said. While on our way to the store 2 girls stopped us asking for pictures.

"Of course you can" we both said while taking the pictures with the girls.
"Omg is this Aviana and Isabella?" One of the girls asked
"Yes it is" i said. They looked at the girls in awe.
"They are so beautiful" they both said
"Thank you" Ivan and I said. The girls later walked away and we started our journey to H&M.

We finally got to the store and Ivan bought a couple hoodies as usual and I bought crop tops. I insisted on paying but Ivan wouldn't let me.
"You know I could have payed for my stuff right?" I said
"I know but I wanted to pay" Ivan said

We decided after all the walking to head back home. Ivan didn't want to drive back as he hated traffic just as much as I do. After 30 minutes stuck in traffic we got home.

"We are home!" I said
"Yea finally the two people I've been waiting for all day" Jake said. I thought he was talking. About Ivan and I but I was sadly mistaken.
"I missed you so much, yes I did, I'm uncle jakey" Jake said talking to the girls. They gave him a big smile.
"Yup these girls are vlog material" he said Into his camera. He took Isabella off to who knows where for the vlog.

"Well I guess it's you and me" Ivan said walking off with Aviana.
"Well I guess it's just me"I said walking I got he kitchen.

"Oh hey Erika" I said as I was startled by her.
"Hey pickle" she said hugging me.
"What have you down all day" I said sitting at the kitchen island.
"Honestly nothing, today's a chill day" she said
"I wish, Ivan and I went to the grove and the traffic was Terrible" I said
She laughed. She went upstairs to call it a night. I followed her and went to put the girls down for bed and I took the time to also get sleep.

A/N: hey cuties 💖 thanks for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment what you what to read next. Until next time💓

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