•Chapter 36•

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*Ava's POV*

"They are on there way right?" I asked Ivan who was helping me pack everything up. Today we got the ok from the doctor that the girls are ready to go home.
"Yup, they said there's light traffic but they will be here soon" he said
"Alright it gives us more time" I said rushing.
"I'll get everything, change the girls and put them in their car seat" Ivan said
"Alright thank you love"

I dressed the girls in matching onesies and Put the girls in different color bows. Aviana in a pink bow and Isabella in a blue bow. Putting the girls in the car seat was a struggle, all they did was cry but I can't blame them they did look uncomfortable.

Ivan went and filled out the paper work to let us go home and came back up to help. I took my bag and Aviana and he took the girls bags and Isabella. We walked out of the hospital and saw the team ten van. Everyone got out to hug us and congratulate us once again and helped put our stuff in the van. We secured the car seat and went to the house.

When we got to the house everyone was so excited to have the girls home. In fact all they did was fight for whose turn it is to hold them.

"Alright guys I need them to eat and go to sleep" I said grabbing the girls. They all looked sad but knew they had to give them up.

I went up to Ivan and I's new room and laid on the bed and put them both to eat. After 30 minutes of feeding Ivan came up to help me put them in their bacinete's. We put the baby monitor on both and walked out.

"How's life now?" Erika asked
"It honestly feels the same just I have more responsibility now" I said
"Yea that means no more parties for you" Jake said. I laughed at his comment.

I went to serve myself some food that Tessa made. I sat down in our new kitchen island.
"The new house is so beautiful" I said admiring every little thing about it.
"Yea and now we don't have to lay on the floor for movie nights" Anthony said while popping a chip in his mouth. We all agreed.

"We should go to the park today!" Erika suggested
"we should!!!" I said agreeing. They all agreed and I went up to change.

I got the girls diaper bag and Ivan helped put the girls in the stroller

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I got the girls diaper bag and Ivan helped put the girls in the stroller.
"Let's go" I said pushing the stroller outside. By our new house there was this wonderful big park that we all know I'll be spending a lot of time at with the twins.

"She seems happy" Anthony said to Ivan
"She's happy she's back home, she was tired of that hospital bed" he said
"Yup it was horrible" I said adding to Ivan's reply.

We finally got to the park after 5 minutes of walking. I laid down a blanket that Erika got me for the girls. I laid the girl down on the blanket under a tree. The boys started playing football and soccer. While us girls were catching up on life.

"I've been at the studio more now a days" Tessa said
"I wish I could go, but I just don't trust any of these boys with the girl, not yet of course" I said
"Yea I get it, they don't even know how to take care of themselves let alone a new born" Erika agreed

"Come on babe, play with us" Ivan begged
"Nah I'm not good" I said trying to get out of it
"Lies Jake even told us you played when you were little come on" Ivan said pulling me up. I whispered a "help me" to the girls and they just laughed.

"Alright so are we in teams or what?" I asked
"Yes we are... Jake, Emilio, Ivan and Ava is one team... Anthony, Chance, Kade and Chad is the other." We all agreed and started playing.

We played for about 40 minutes and my team won 3-1. The boys tried to make me play another round but I was to drained out. I sat back down on the blanket.
"You tired?" Erika asked
"More like I'm dead" I said
"We have water if you want some" Tessa said handing me a water bottle. I thanked her and drank it.

"Let's go home" Erika said. Tessa, Erika, I and the twins walked back home. The boys wanted to stay and play a little more so we left them. We got back to the house and I took a shower as I was sweaty from the running. I wore one of Ivan's thrasher shirts and some shorts. I changed the girls in a white t shirt and walked downstairs. I laid them on their play mate and went to make dinner before the boys came home.

An hour later the boys arrived and they were all sweaty.
"No no go upstairs and take a shower, all of you" I said as Jake tried sitting on the couch. They all went up to shower.
"Foods ready if you want some"I said as Anthony and Chance came down. Everyone came down and we sat down to eat at our dining table.


@AvaMPaul: my Prince Charming surprised me today 🌹❤️

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@AvaMPaul: my Prince Charming surprised me today 🌹❤️

@maravillosoivan- goals 😫💓
@avan4life- you guys are so adorable please get married soon!
@maggielindemann- @brennen take notes 📝
@maggiesworld- I need this ❣️
@ivanmartinez- 🌹❤️



A/N: hey cuties 💗 thanks for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment what you want to read next. Until next time💕

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