•Chapter 27•

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*Ava's POV*
"Love get up" Ivan said shaking me to get up.
"Five more minutes" I begged
"No the appointments at 8:30 and it's almost 8" I shot up and wen to the bathroom. I showered changes and did my makeup 👇

 I showered changes and did my makeup 👇

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I walked downstairs to go get breakfast. Ivan made me pancakes and cut up fresh fruits. We both sat down and ate. By 8:10 we were out the house expecting traffic.

We got at the doctors office right on time. We went up to the lady behind the desk.
"Hey I'm here for doctor micheals" I said
"Are you Ava Paul"
"Yes ma'am"
"Take this and fill it out, when your done give it to me and you'll be in shortly" I thank the lady and take a seat with Ivan. I fill out the paper work and Ivan hands it back to the lady.

"Ava Paul" the lady calls we stand up and walk to the door that leads to many rooms.
"This is your room, the doctor will be right with you" she said closing the door behind her.

"Are you ready?" Ivan asked
"A little nervous but yes" we both laughed
"Don't be nervous it'll be fine trust me." He said

After a couple minutes the Doctor comes in.
"Ava Paul?" She asked making sure shes in the right room.
"That's me" I said she instructed me to lay on the bed and pull my shirt up to my breast,
"Alright so I'm going to put this gel on your stomach it's going to be a little cold" she said while putting it on.
"Okay, let's see..." the doctor says looking around
"So what are your guesses of the gender" she asked
"Well I really haven't thought of it" Ivan said and I agreed

"Well I think you might have to start guessing because..." she said and stopped mid sentence
"Because what" I start to get nervous.
"Because sweetie you are having twins!" She said showing us the two small little bodies on the monitor
"Omg no way" i said looking at Ivan who had a shocked look on his face.
"Congratulations on your set of twins honey, now let me wipe this off" she said grabbing a baby wipe and wiping the gel off.
"Do you want any pictures of the ultrasound today?" She asked
"Of course!" Ivan quickly said

The doctor walked out to make the pictures and I was left in shock.
"You do know how Jake is going to react when he hears its twins" I told Ivan
"Well two is better than one" I laughed at his comment.
"Now the gang won't have to fight over one baby" I said looking at the bright side.

The doctor walked back in with an envelope.
"Here are your pictures, you are ready to go" she said
"Thank you so much" Ivan and I said and walked out the office.

We hopped in the car and I drove us back to the team 10 house. We parked across the street, we got out of the car and many fans were calling our name. We said our hey's and walked inside.
"Guys come down here!" Ivan yelled

They all came running down like the speed of light. We all gathered around the couch.
"So today we had the doctors appointment"
I said taking out the envelope. I passed out a picture to everyone, as we had printed one for everybody. They all looked at it confused at what they were looking at.

"I really don't know what I'm looking at" Kade said holding it in different ways to see something.
"Well if you can't tell there is more than one" i said. They all put the picture down and had a shocked expression on their face.

"No way!"Anthony said
"Another set of twins" Chance said
"Congrats pickle" Tessa said giving me a hug
"Yes yes yes yes yes" Kade said throwing things around
"I LIVE AROUND TWINS YES!" Jake said we all laughed and they went to put their pictures away.

"So what is everyone to the babies?" Alex said
"Well Emilio and Jake are obviously the uncles but Anthony, Chance, Kade, Chad, Alex, Nick, Ray, and Tristan are uncles, and Erika and Tessa are aunties" I said answering Alexa question
"Have you guys thought about who the god father and mother is?" Chance asked
I looked at Ivan and we both shrugged our shoulders.

They all decided to do challenges throughout the pregnancy to find out who the god father/mother will be. I thought the idea was stupid but they all agreed.

Everyone decided to take pictures with Ivan and I to post on Instagram congratulating us.
"Erika do you think twins will be really hard to take care of" I asked scared about having not one but two
"Not at all, if you want kyler and Mad can come  and help you with tips and stuff, after all they are raising twins also" Erika said I thanked her keeping the idea in the back of my head.

Jake came home with a cake says "congrats on the twins" and we didn't even have time to cut it. They just digged in and started eating. Chance decided to smash some on Chad face which led to a cake fight.

After a good 20 minutes of throwing cake at each other we washed off and got ready for the night.



@AvaMPaul: little baby bump 👶🏻👣

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@AvaMPaul: little baby bump 👶🏻👣

@avan4life- it better be twins!
@maggiesworld- omg I can't wait to find out the gender
@ivanmartinez- my world 🌎 ❤️
@jakepauler4life- you are getting so big so fast I can't wait!
@kadespeiser- correction! Babies*
@emiliosmile- fucking confirmed its twins ^^^
@maravillosoivan- gender reveal soon!


A/N: hey cuties 💖 thanks for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment what you want to happen next. Until next time 💗

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