•Chapter 56•

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*Ava's POV*
"Wake up Ava" Logan said shaking me
"I don't want to go over there ever again" I said putting my face into the pillow
"You have to, do it for your girls" he said. I sat up and contemplated it.
"But what if it gets worse" I said
"It's not, just get dressed and we will eat breakfast and then head to jakes" he said out the door not even giving me time to respond.

I got up and breast fed the girls and then quickly changed them. After I finished with them I got changed and grabbed the diaper bag and my phone. I walked out to the living room where I saw Logan waiting on me.

"Took you long enough" he said
"Hey! In my defense I had to change two other human being and feed them" I said arguing
"Alright you got me there but let's go" he said grabbing his keys to the yeti.

We walked down and grabbed the car seats from my car and walked to the other parking garage.
"Logan can you help me here" I said struggling to put the car seat in.
"Oh yea I forgot" he said. See the car is taller than him by an inch or two and Logan is like 6'2 while I'm here measuring at 5'5.

Logan eventually got both car seats in and I legitimately hopped in the car and we were off to breakfast. Logan got us both some gains bowls as he likes to call them and I helped him eat his on the way to jakes house.

After me controlling my nervousness as we got closer and closer, we finally made it to the one place I never wanted to step foot in ever again.


A/N: hey cuties ❤️ please don't be mad I promised to update as soon as I got back but laziness got the best of me and I legit needed a vacation from the vacation and all the unpacking I had to do was ridiculous (I had to change like 3 times a day). But thank you for reading yet another chapter and sorry that it's so short but don't forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next. Until next time 💗.

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