•Chapter 53•

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*Ava's POV*
I woke up to arms wrapped around me. I turn around and smile at the sight of Ivan in a deep sleep. I quietly and gentle get out of his grip trying to not wake him up.

I walked to the girls bassinet. I grabbed them both and went to their room. I laid Isabella down while I sat down in my rocking chair to feed Aviana. I do the same with Isabella I burp the both of them.

I walk downstairs with both the girls and put them in their playpen. I make breakfast for all of us just in case they come down anytime soon. I place the food on the kitchen island and I sit down on the couch and turn on Saturday cartoons. I eat my pancake and egg whites and once I'm finish I washed my plate.

I sat back down and Jake and Erika came down followed by half of the rest. The only people that aren't up are Ashely and Emilio. I didn't want to tell everyone because I knew they were going to prank them and who knows where they are at.

They all grab a plate and serve themselves food. I got a lot of thank you's and many just stuffed their face with food. I heard the door open and I see Kade come in.
"No need to worry uncle Kade is here" he said
"I'm here to" Nathan said from behind him and I laughed. I got up and hugged them both.
"Well the girls are over there if you want them" I said knowing they were going to go to them anyways.

"So Kade I heard you are vlogging now" Jake said from the kitchen table
"Yes I am, you know I'm trying to stay cool like the kids now a days I am an uncle" he said
Eventually emilio and Ashely came done the stairs and earned a lot of "ooooohs" and "wonder what they were doing" and one "smash" was heard.

They ignored everyone's stupidity and served themselves food.
"Today's Amanda Cerny's surprise party, whose gonna come?" Jake asked everyone
"I am" Anthony, Ivan, Chad, Erika, And Kade said
"We are going on a date" Chance said and pointing at himself and Tessa.
"I'll think about it" emilio said
"I'm going to leave soon" Ashely said
"I'm staying home with the girls" I said

Jake nodded agreeing with everyone. They all went upstairs and got ready for the day. I stayed in my Jake Paul sweatpants and Ivan's thrasher t-shirt.
"Mind if I join you" Marissa asked
"Of course not" I said patting the spot next to me. Ashely then came done and joined us. We were watching Catfish the TV show.

"Wouldn't it be cool if someone used us on the show" Marissa said
"I mean I guess but I'll feel bad for the person getting catfished" I said
"Yea I agree but the show is very entertaining" Ashely said.

"Ava, I think we got a pooper here" Kade said handing me Isabella. I went upstairs to their room and put her on the changing table. I quickly changed her and changed her outfit as she went through a little bit. I walked back downstairs and handed her back to Kade.

"A clean and fresh baby" I said handing Isabella to him.
"Thank you" he said turning around to continue what he was doing before.

Today was more of a chill day as everyone was getting ready for what they had planned today.

*Emilio's POV*
I saw Ashely outside by the pool. I decided to go sit by her.
"Hello pretty lady" I said catching her attention
"Hello handsome" she said looking up at me squinting as the sun was in her face.
"So I was thinking as everyone was leaving tonight, maybe you and I can go on a date" I said nervous
"Well I think that'll be a great idea" she said
"Well be ready by 8:30" I said

*Ava's POV*
"Alright guys hurry down here, I'm leaving soon" Jake said as everyone was rushing to get ready for Amanda's party.
"Let's go let's go let's go" he said as everyone ran out the door.
"See you soon be safe" Jake said and with that he shut the door and they were off.

"Well it's just you and me girls" I said as the girls were laying on the floor on their playmate. Marissa decided to join them which I don't blame her.
"Well we are off now are you sure you're ok with us borrowing your car" chance asks me
"Of course, you did pass your test right, that car is really expensive" I said playing around
"I did, and I know I chipped in" he laughed. I said my goodbyes and they went on their date.

"Young love" i said talking to myself "i sound like a grandma" I said laughing to myself. I then hear footsteps and I get startled.
"Emilio! Omg I thought you left with everyone" I said
"No, Ashely is here to pick me up. We are going on a date" he said
"Well I can see you dressed nice" I said applauding him.
"Stop it, well I should head out she's waiting for me" he said kissing the top my head and saying a fast goodbye to the girls.

All night I made snaps of the girls trying the filters out, watched movies and of course Sandlots was one of them, I made a YouTube video for the first time in a year. I ended up sleeping around 11:30. Nobody came back and I truly don't know what time they came home but all I know it that I feel asleep alone with my girls.

A/N: hey cuties! 💗Thanks for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment what should happen next. Until next time 💖

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