•Chapter 54•

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*Ava's POV*
I woke up to the sudden sound of noise coming from downstairs. I figured it was the rest of the gang. I checked my phone and it was 4:50. I got out of bed and walked downstairs.
"Omg he looks a mess" I said whispering to Anthony who was holding a drunk Jake.
"He would stop and he didn't listen to any of us" I slightly laughed.

"Did you miss me?" Ivan said I can tell he was a little tipsy as he was acting off and slurring his words.
"We need to get you to bed come on" I said grabbing him.
"Awh come on why can't we have some fun tonight" he said
"You've had enough of that come on"
"Whatever man" he said.

I helped him up the stairs. I put him to bed and I tried going to sleep but Ivan wouldn't shut up.
"Why can't we have a fu-" he said as I cut him off
"Shut up Ivan, I'm trying to sleep and your gonna wake up the girls" I said. After going back and fourth with him he finally fell asleep.

*next morning*
As most of the gang came home drunk last night I decided to get hamburgers for them as I knew they would wake up with a hangover. I got out of bed and put red sweatpants on and a white crop top with Tessa's white yeezuys.

I let the girls sleep in as I didn't want to wake them up. I went to my car and drove to the nearest restaurant that serves burgers.
"Hello, welcome how may I help you?" The nice girl said.
"Hey, can I have 6 burgers to go" I said she quickly put my order in and gave me the amount. I paid for the burgers and sat down at a table to wait for my order to be called.

I decided to go on twitter. I checked my mentions and I saw a lot of tweets by the account @MessyMonday. After a quickl reading of their page I found out they tweeted all the drama about ever social media person you can think of.

I got to my post and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
"@imartinezp_ or @emartineeez was caught getting  comfortable with a mystery girl at @Amandacerny surprise birthday party yesterday night 👀"

The comments were flooded with people tagging me asking me which twin it is. My eyes began to water knowing emilio was on a date with Ashely yesterday and no way that could
Have been him.

My order was called I quickly got up and got it. I quickly walked to my car. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I could barely see the road at this point.

I pulled up to the house. I got out the car with the burgers in my hand. I walked in and everyone was downstairs helping the people with hangovers.
"Here I got you guys these" I said placing the burgers on the table.
"Ava, why are you crying" Erika came and hugged me.
"You what to really know why I'm crying"'I said practically yelling at this point. "Because the person I love, the one person I trusted to not break my heart went to a party last night and got very comfortable with a girl."
"What are you talking about" Ivan asked
"Oh don't ask me that! You damn well know what you did. Why don't you go ask that girl the marry you. She obviously interested you" I said taking off my ring and throwing it at him.

I ran upstairs. I locked the door so no one could come in and stop me. I grabbed a bag and put all me necessities in them. I then packed a bag for the girls. I got the stuff and the girls and walked downstairs.
"Where do you think you're going" Jake said. I saw everyone comforting a crying Ivan but at this point I didn't care.
"Away from here!" I blatantly said as I walked out the house. I put the girls in the car and put the bags in the back.

I started the car and drove to the one place I could think off.

*hollywood boulevard*
I parked my car in Logans complex garage. I grabbed the bags and the girls. I didn't see Logans new car so I knew he was shooting for season 3 of foursome. I walked upstairs and went to his apartment.

I had a key from the day he bought the apartment. I walked inside and like I expected nobody was home. I put the girls down on Logans carpet. I put the bags on the couch and walked to Kong.
"Hey buddy, where's your dad?"I asked knowing I was going to get a responds. All I got was a little bark. I put him down in his cage and went to see maverick.

"Hello Mav, how are you" I said as he hopped on my finger. "Give me a kiss" I said and he gave me a little peck. I let him free in the apartment and I walked towards where the girls were. I decided to not address anything on the situation as of right now so I pulled out my laptop and started editing the video I made yesterday. It was a labor vlog/ storytime of being pregnant at the age of 18 and how I thought of it all.

*Anthony's POV*
Everyone was worried at this point. Nobody knew where she went. She never connected to the app we all have to know where everyone is at 24/7.
"I can't believe I just let her walk out like that, if Logan finds out he won't let her live here ever again. I'm so stupid" Jake said his face in his hands.
"Don't worry she'll be fine I promise, she couldn't have gone far." Erika said trying to comfort him. It was getting late and everyone decided to go to bed.

I decided to try and figure out a way to find her. That's when I remembered a while back she sent me her location so I can know where's she's at, at all times. I took jakes truck keys and quietly walked out the door with no one knowing.

*Ava's POV
It's almost 11:30 and Logan was still on set. I haven't gotten the chance to tell him that I'm at his apartment. I decided to take a shower before I go to sleep. I put the girls in a rock'n play that I had stored in Logans house for situations like these.

I took a quick shower and once I got out I heard the door open and close. Being myself I didn't think anything of it, as I thought it was Logan.
"Logan is that you!"'I screamed but I didn't  get an answer. Then I see him walk in and I couldn't believe it. "How did you find me" I asked.

A/N: SORRY I HAD TO DO IT! tomorrow is going to be the last update for a week. 😫 thanks for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment was should happen next. Until next time💖

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