•Chapter 52•

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*Ashely's POV*
We all ran to find a hiding spot. I was walking down the hall when I bumped into something or someone. I looked up and it was emilio.
"I'm so sorry" I said embarrassed
"It's alright, but hey any luck finding a place?" He asked
"Nope, it's hard when this is my first time here" I said. He laughed.
"Hey come with me, I have a great hiding spot" he said. He took my hand not realizing it and lead me to his hiding place.

*Ava's POV*
I ran to the theatre room. I ran inside and nobody was in there. I hide behind a chair hoping Chad wouldn't think of coming in here.

*Chad's POV*
"30!" I said "ready or not I'm coming for you" I said. I walked upstairs and choose to look in every room. I get to Anthony and Chances room and I see a black figure run into the bathroom. I quickly went to where the figure went and I saw Erika.
"Damn, I'm not very good at this game" she said. We got out and she followed me.

After 5 minutes I caught Emilio and Ashely, and Tessa. We called everyone done.

*Ava's POV*
Chad didn't get me but it's time to see who he got. Jake turned on the lights and revealed the four people.
" have you decided?" Jake says once again dramatically
"Yes I have and I choose Emilio"

After playing a couple more rounds we decided to call it a night.
"Hey guys I know we nearly just met but is it ok if I sleep here for the night?" Ashely asked
"Of course, emilio show her to the guest room" I said purposely choosing him.

*Emilio's POV*
"Well this is the guest room, make yourself at home" I said ready to shut the door.
"Wait, can you stay in here with me" she said.
"Yea" i said and shut the door behind me I sat down on the foot of the bed.

"Come here, I don't bite" she said patting the space beside her. I went and sat down next to her.
"You know it's scary, coming into this house, I thought I wouldn't fit in" she said laying her head on my shoulder.
"Yea that's how me and my brother felt. It really is scary but you fit in just perfectly" I said looking down at our hands. She started to play with my fingers and after a little bit I realized she fell asleep. I place her comfortably on the bed.

"Goodnight Ash" i said kissing her head. I closed the door as quietly as I could and went to bed. She was all I could think of.


ashelybeer mood 😊

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ashelybeer mood 😊

username1 isn't that the team10 house?!?!
username2 are you in team10 ^^^ 😱
emiliovmartinez 😊😊
username3 i ship it^ #Ashilio

A/N: 40k!!! What thank you guys so much 💖💖💖💖! hey cuties💗 thanks for reading yet another chapter. Vote if you want more and comment what should happen next. Until next time💖

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