Chapter 7

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" oh god kyah. What are you thinking?" I said quite scared for my well being.

" we should go to your house and annoy Luke" she said with a grin.

" great idea, lets go" i said with a wide smile on my face.

We walked out of her room. We walked pasted her mum and told her where we were going. We walked down the street to my house.

" ok lets do this." Kyah said

"Shhhhh" i said whispering hoping they didnt hear us.

I quietly opened the front door and we both walked in. We pocked our heads into Luke's room to see if he was there but he wasn't. We heard voices in the lounge room.

I motioned kyah to get down behind the wall.

"1...2...3" i whispered as we jumped out behind the wall and screamed boo. The four boys screamed and jumped. Kyah and i just stood there laughing. But we ended up rolling on the ground laughing our heads off.

"Hey thats not funny" Calum said pouting oh god hes so cute when he does that. It has always been my dream to see him do that.

If you cant tell I'm a bit of a Calum girl when it comes to the 5sos boys. Kyah on the other hand she was an Ashton girl.

Kyah and i were still laughing we now had tears in our eyes.

"Mal i told you too stay at kyah's until the boys left." He said sternly.

I turned to kyah and she turned to me. We both rolled our eyes.

" well isn't someone angry that he got scared." I said laughing a bit.

" i wasn't scared." Luke yelled.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes me and kyah getting up off the ground.

"Maybe you should introduce us to your friends." I said smirking.

"Or maybe i shouldn't." He said cocking his head

Kyah and i stood there and rolled our eyes at the same time and put our hands on out hips in sync. That was the thing about us, we would always say or do something at the exact same time, and we could read each others minds.

" Um I'm Calum." Calum said waving. Us smiling and waving back

"Oh they know who you are." Luke said with a smirk.

They boys tilted there heads. Mine and kyah's eyes widened and our jaws dropped.

Ashton walked up towards us. He waved a hand in front of both of our faces.

" Are you guys ok?, you look like you just saw a ghost."

"Um yeah we're fine" we said in unison. We turned around walked away to my room. We didn't want Luke to tell the other boys that we fan girl over them. They would think that we were weird.

We walked into my room and laid on the bed.

" i cant believe he said that." I said shocked

" me either, why would he do that?" She replied.

" i don't know he's been acting weird about us meeting the boys."

" does he really think that we would flirt with them. Like i mean he's right we would but why wont he let us." She said shaking her head.

" i know like, we are old enough we can talk to whatever guys we want, and we can hang out with whatever guys we want."

* knock* *knock*

Kyah and i looked at the door.

" who is it?" We called

" oh um its me, Michael."

" oh um come in." I said a little bit nervous. Why wouldn't i be nervous it was Michael. Michael Clifford.

Michael walked into my room and sat in the middle of us.

"Are you guys ok?" He said looking at both of us.

" um yeah we're fine" Kyah said turning to him with a smile.

" why did you guys walk out before?" He asked looking at me.

" because Luke Is being mean to us." I said like it was obvious.

" Do you guys want me to beat him up?" Michael said smiling.

" No thats our job" kyah and I said with a grin.

Michael smiled and ruffled our hair.

"Hey" we said in unison while fixing our now messed up hair.

" do you guys want to come back out? We can beat up Luke ." He said grinning.

"Ok" we yelled looking at each other and back at him.

We ran out of the room and into the lounge room. Luke was standing up so i tackled him to the ground. I sat on his stomach and started tickling him.

"MALAKAI STOP IT!" He yelled in between laughs. The boys and kyah were on the couch laughing at us.

"NEVER!" I shouted back laughing too.

" guys get her of me." Luke groaned in between laughs. He tried to get me off him but I'm pretty strong.

Calum then came from behind and grabbed my arms and Ashton grabbed my legs. The lifted me up off Luke and started to swing me.

"STOP IT PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed.

Luke stood there with a smirk planted on his face.

"It wasn't my idea it was Michael's." i yelled.

Luke turned to Michael.

"Is that so" Luke said raising an eyebrow.

"KYAH GRAB HIS LEGS." Luke yelled .

Kyah grabbed his legs and Luke grabbed hid arms. They lifted him off the couch and started to swing him too.

Before i knew it Michael and i crashed inti each other then everything went black.

* Next day*

I slowly opened my eyes to see three boys on the floor. Kyah on the left and Luke in the right. They were all fast asleep. They all looked adorable. i felt a sudden pain in my head. What the hell happened?

I turned to look at Luke. His eyes fluttered open. I saw that i was awake and smiled.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a slight bit of concern in his voice.

" yeah im fine, my head is a little sore thats all." I said smiling at him.

"Oh and um why is everyone here?" I asked.

" oh um Michael accidentally knocked you out yesterday. So we were all just making sure you were ok." He said smiling making his dimples visible.

"Awww thanks lukey" i said smiling back.

I looked back to the ground.To see Calum fluttering his eyes open. He smiled at me, and i smiled back. He stood next to Luke and looked down at me. I looked back up at him.

" how are you feeling?" He asked smiling.

Oh my lord his smile is so cute, i just want to hug him.

" oh im fine." I said smiling back.

I attempted to get up but a pain shot threw my head, and i laud back down.

"Malakai are you ok?" Calum and Luke said concerned.

I held my head and closed my eyes.

"Oh um yeah my head just really hurts." I said opening my eyes.

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