Chapter 9

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* A week later*

After my incident with Connie last week i haven't really seen her. I actually don't know why she bullies Kyah and i we haven't done anything to her. I think its because she's a senior and we're juniors. But who knows.

I was coming back from school. I opened the front door. It was going to be just Luke and I today. Bailey was at a friends and dad and Liz were working.

As I stepped inside, I could hear voices from the lounge room. I thought it would just be one of the other boys with Luke so i just brushed it off. I turned the corner to the lounge room. My jaw dropped at who was sitting with Luke on the couch. Of course it had to be Connie . What the hell was she doing here.

Connie's eyes narrowed when she saw me.

" Malakai this is my girlfriend Connie" Luke said gesturing to the girl next to him. Her long red dyed hair sitting perfectly. As much i hates her she was actually really pretty.

I stood there in shock after the words that just left Luke's mouth. I wanted to cry this couldn't be happening. The one girl i hated the most was dating my brother.

"Malakai are you ok?" Luke asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and ran straight to my room. I didn't know what to do, so i did the first thing that came so mind. I dialed kyah's number into my phone.

After the third ring she answered.

"Hello" she answered.

" kyah Luke is dating Connie ." I blurted out.

She went silent.

"What, you have got to be kidding me." She finally spoke.

" nope she is at my house right now sitting on the couch with Luke." I replied.

" Oh my god, really are you ok." She asked.

"No." I said sadly.

" come over to mine and we can talk about it." She said soothingly.

"Ok I'll see soon then, bye." I said as i hung up. I packed a bag, I was probably going to stay the night. Put my uniform in for tomorrow, and all the books i need, my pajamas, my toothbrush and stuff like that.

I grabbed my phone as i walked out of my room. I walked past the lounge room, where Luke and Connie were still. I looked at them and just rolled my eyes.

"Where are you going?" Luke said raising his voice a little.

"As far away from her as possible." I said gesturing to Connie. Connie's jaw dropped like she was offended. I really hope i did offend her, words cannot describe my hate for her.

"Don't you talk about my girlfriend like that." He yelled.

" Oh, so its ok for her to talk to me like that, but when i do it its like i just killed someone." I yelled back.

Connie just sat there and rolled her eyes. I glared at her for a second.

"What do mean she talks to you like that,she would never do that she is a lovely person." He defended.

" Well obviously you don't know the really Connie". I said as i stormed out of the house.

I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I soon reached Kyahs' front door. I knocked on it three times. The door opened not long after. When the door opened i saw Kyah. She gave me a small smile. I tried to smile back but i was on the verge of tears. I tried so hard to keep them from falling, but i couldn't hold them back anymore.

Kyah pulled me to her room and sat me on the bed.

" Mal what happened?" She asked

" So you already know the part where Luke is dating Connie." I said as tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Yeah." She nodded.

" Well when i went to go leave, Luke asked me where i was going, and i said as far away from her as possible. Then Luke went off at me for saying that. Then I said, it's ok for her to talk to me like that,but when i do it,it's like i just killed someone. Then he started defending her,saying that she would never say something like that, and she is a lovely person." I said in between sobs.

Kyah pulled me into a tight hug. I just cried into her shoulder.

" It's ok, everything will work out fine. He will soon see the really her." She said reassuringly.

I looked at her and smiled. I really hope she was right. It's not not that i just don't like her, it's also i just don't trust her with him. I don't want her to hurt him like she hurts me. I really don't know what I am going to do about her.

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