Chapter 8

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I was laying on the couch with my head on Luke's lap and my legs on Calum's. Kyah was sat in the middle of Ashton and Michael. We were in the middle of watching a movie.

"Malakai, I'm really sorry i knocked you out yesterday. I didn't mean to." Michael spoke.

"Its ok Michael i know you didn't mean it." I said smiling at him.

The movie was now over. The other boys were about to leave so we were saying our goodbyes.

I walked up to Michael and gave him a hug.

" it was nice to finally meet you." I said looking up at him smiling. All the boys were extremely tall, including Luke, i think it makes it worse that i am extremely short.

" yeah you too, and sorry about yesterday." He said smiling and looking down at me.

" like i said its fine, I'm ok." I said as i walked off to go say goodbye to the other two.

Kyah was over saying goodbye to Ashton so i went to Calum. My heart was racing, no one but Kyah knew i that i like him so i had to hide my feelings for him.

Calum smiled at me as i walked over to him.

" well i hope i get to see you again soon, and without you getting hurt next time." He said laughing.

"Yeah that would be great." I said as i laughed back.

I walked away over to Ashton. Kyah gave me a look saying touch him and I'll kill you.I exchanged the same look as she went over to Calum.

I went up to Ashton and hugged him too.

" i guess i'll see you later." He said smiling down at me.

I smiled "yeah of course, well if Luke lets me."

He just laughed and walked to the driver side of the car.

"Oh and Malakai try not to hurt yourself again." He laughed as he got in the car.

We all waved as they drove away out of sight. We then walked inside and i sat on the couch with Kyah and Luke on the other one.

" i like your friends, you should have them over more often." I smiled at Luke.

"Yeah, no thats not happening after what Michael did to you. I also saw the way you were looking at Calum. Kyah i saw the way you were looking at Ashton." He raised his voice a little.

My stomach dropped. Oh god he now knows i like Calum. What if he tells him. That would be so awkward. Especially because I'm four years younger than him. But what about Kyah he now knows about her crush on Ashton.

Oh lord this was not going to be good.

* Next Day*
It was monday morning. Absolutely hated mondays i usually had all of the classes that i hated. Oh wait i hated all my classes. I just hated school in general. The whole idea of it made me sick, six hours of children in a class room with satan's children, also known as teachers.

I rolled out of my bed and started to get ready. I put on my uniform and straightened my hair. I walked out to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools, Luke the lovely brother he was, woke up before everyone and made me breakfast. God i love having him as a brother.

He put the plate of bacon and pancakes in front of me,and i started eating.

Luke put my lunch box on the counter and started making my lunch. He asked my what i want and put it all in.
He then went into my room and put all of my books, my lunch and my water bottle in my bag.

This was a usual routine for us. I don't know why he does all this for me, but I'm not complaining its less for me to do .

I finished my breakfast and put plate in the sink and brushed my teeth. It was now 7:30, i put my shoes on and said goodbye to Luke,as he was getting Bailey ready for school.

I met kyah down at the bus stop. Not long after the bus arrived. We piled onto the bus, not many people were on the bus, so Kyah and I got a seat to ourselves across from each other.
We both had our headphones in, so we weren't talking to each other.

When arrived at school no one was there. Of course we were late, we're always late. I walked into my first class, which was math. I hate math so much it's not even funny.

"Why were you late" Mr Green said raising his voice.

" My bus was late." I said rolling my eyes as i walked over to my usual spot. The back corner next to the window. I don't have any classes with Kyah except for drama.

I sunk into my chair and looked out of the window. The teacher was going on about something i really did not care about. The lesson felt like it was going forever, but the bell soon rang.

We all got up pushing and shoving each other out the door. I packed all my stuff into my bag and put it on my back. I walked down the stairs, then i ended up on the ground. I looked up too see Connie. She always bullied Kyah and I. I rolled my eyes and got up as she walked away laughing.

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