Chapter 3

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I walked back into the lounge room with my head down looking at the carpet. I looked up and sat on the couch and I  started playing with my bracelet. I could feel everyone staring at me it was an awkward silence for awhile then, Liz spoke up.

"So Malakai what do you like to do I'm your spare time."

I really didn't answer this because it was mostly fan girling over her son, making  edits or putting up new photos of them in my room.

"Oh um I don't really do much I just sit on my bed and listen to music" I said kind of worried that she would ask me any more questions.

"oh really what type of music do you listen to"

Another question really did not want to answer. Why does she ask so many questions,God damn it woman.

"Oh um I listen to kind of everything I guess"

"Oh really who are your favourite singers?" She asked

Oh my god why does she ask so many terrible question.

"Oh um well I don't really have a favourite I guess." I said wondering where she was going with this.

"Oh really so why are you wearing a 5sos band shirt and beanie?" She asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

Oh this was going to be interesting having her as a stepmother.

"Oh um you know just because I really like the shirt and stuff." I said sarcastically.

"Malakai why don't you show Liz and the boys around the house." My dad said

I knew what he was doing he wanted me to bond with them. That was so not going to happen.

I got up and rolled my eyes. They all stood up and followed me to the front door.

"So this is the spare room" I said pointing to the room near the front door

I walked to the next room and opened the door "This is dads room."

I lead them past the lounge room not bothering to explain that,I walked past the kitchen.

"This is the kitchen." I said pointing at it.

"And this is the dinning room." I said as I walked past in and turned into a hall way.

I turned left "This is baileys room, next to that is the bathroom and next to the bathroom is the toilet."

"Is this your room?" Jack said opening the door.

" DO NOT GO IN THERE" I shouted.

"Why not?" he questioned.

" It's really messy and I have my bras and underwear laying everywhere."

Of course I was lying I just didn't want them to see the pictures everywhere. They would probably think I was weird and they would probably tease me about it.

"Oh um okay." he said as we all walked back to the lounge room where my dad was playing on his phone and Bailey playing on his iPod.

"We best be going." Liz said motioning the boys to go to the front of the house.

I was slightly relieved that she said that.

"Oh okay then." my dad said slightly disappointed.

We all said our goodbyes which was kind of awkward because I didn't know whether I should hug them or not.

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