What happened to Sam?

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Sam met Andy beirsack. She was googling him when she found out that he was comin to Vancouver for a

"meet Black veil brides" Sam freaked because she really wanted to meet him. She kept bothering her mom till she got a promise to her from her mom, that she could go. Sam waited in line for a long time, wearing of corse, her bvb t shirt hopping Andy or Ashley would sign her shirt. When Sam got to see Andy she was thrilled! But some how it caused her to have a seguire, which caused her to fall on the floor because Andy, sadly isn't very good at catching pretty girls from falling, so therefore, as far as we know shes having a wonderful dream about marrying Andy. Meanwhile, Andy's quickly picked her up and put her in his car, hes bringing her home because he's nice like that, he's going to make sure she get home safely.

while Sam is dreaming, Andy driving, and someone else calling sams mom letting her know what's gone done lately.


~~~~~~~~ It got messed up when I typed it up here.. Still tryin to figure it all out!! Lol ;p~~~~~~~~

Now that Sam has reached her bed, carried up to her room by only of corse her beloved, Andy, who was shown the way by Sams mom, Susan.

Now, silly, clumsy Andy, who did something I believed would cause her to wake up an even later time, as he hit her head on her bed, as it is after all a bunk-bed. So the even more worried then before Andy stays in Sams room, and trying to help her to wake up from what only she knows as the perfect dream, but the others know as something she shall wake up from.

So Andy stays, waits, and hopes, only for dear Sam to wake up. His sleeping beauty lost in a dream about the one, the only, him. But how could he possible think about how much his caring for her, effects her. How could he possible know, how much she loves him, as she's lost in her beautiful dream with him.

Andy: sits, waits, worries, wondering when his princess will wake, he watches her, but he can't but he does, as if an accident has happened, you don't want to watch, but you, for some reason, just can't look away. He knows it's his fault she has unknowingly been carried up , by the only one she ever dreams about. But! He doesn't know how much that means to her, after all, she can't wait till the she wears a wedding dress, and gets carried up by him.

But, Sam, still sleeping, realizes, the unique presence of him, Andy, close to her, she begins to grin in her sleep. Andy who was watching closely, studying her face, not sure what to do immediately noticed her smile. Sams smile, noticed by Andy, quickly moved to Andy, as he knew

She would be okay.


Now Andy wasnt quite sure what he wanted to, just then Susan walked in, bringing some chicken soup to Andy and Sam, if she woke up that is, and saw Andy smiling down at sam, and Sam, in her sleep smiled up. Just then, Sams mom, wasn't sure quite what to think, she put the soup down and quickly, and quietly sneaked out of the room, trying to not disturbed anyone, as she was sure Andy was so captured by Sam, to not even notice her come in with the soup.

Then, Andy did just what sams mom might have "interrupted", Andy leaned toward to the sleeping Sam, and something happened, something magical, something out of a fairy tale. Andy kissed Sam and Sam, finally woke up from her slumber!

The sleeping beauty's prince charming, woke her up. Now the both of them are smiling at each other, and since Sams been sleeping for a while, with out food she's hungry, as when she smiles at Andy, she also eats chicken soup with Andy.

Hungry Andy, and hungry Sam, both eat soup together in Sams room, while they smile at each other. Then, Andy says to Sam "I can't believe I let such a pretty girl fall, I'll never let that happen again to you, Samantha." then Sam smiles, and blushes as she listens to Andy.

"I hope I can stay with you as my much as possible, to keep from falling anymore, but with such a pretty girl it might be hard, as it's distracting" Andy winks at Sam, then, he begins to write quickly on a note pad near by. "what are you doing?" the pondering princess asks to her prince charming. Andy replies, saying he is writing a song. " A song for my princess, my sleeping beauty."home about marrying Andy.

Meanwhile, Andy's quickly picked her up and put her in his car, hes bringing her home because he's nice like that, he's going to make sure she get home safely.

while Sam is dreaming, Andy driving, and someone else calling sams mom letting her know what's gone done lately.

Now Andy has gotten Sam home safely, though she's still having her fantastic dream about her and andy, meaning she has yet to wake up, also worrying, her future husband, Andy. But he's feeling a bit better about what he believed to have caused, as sams love towards Andy is to great for her health .

Andy's greatly worried about Sam, and what he fears he has caused. As, you may have guessed, Sam still hasn't woken up from the dream she never wants to, only to let it be her reality. But, that all depends on what's next.


Now that Sam has reached her bed, carried up to her room by only of corse her beloved, Andy, who was shown the way by Sams mom, Susan.

Now, silly, clumsy Andy, who did something I believed would cause her to wake up an even later time, as he hit her head on her bed, as it is after all a bunk-bed. So the even more worried then before Andy stays in Sams room, and trying to help her to wake up from what only she knows as the perfect dream, but the others know as something she shall wake up from.

So Andy stays, waits, and hopes, only for dear Sam to wake up. His sleeping beauty lost in a dream about the one, the only, him. But how could he possible think about how much his caring for her, effects her. How could he possible know, how much she loves him, as she's lost in her beautiful dream with him.

Andy: sits, waits, worries, wondering when his princess will wake, he watches her, but he can't but he does, as if an accident has happened, you don't want to watch, but you, for some reason, just can't look away. He knows it's his fault she has unknowingly been carried up , by the only one she ever dreams about. But! He doesn't know how much that means to her, after all, she can't wait till the she wears a wedding dress, and gets carried up by him.

But, Sam, still sleeping, realizes, the unique presence of him, Andy, close to her, she begins to grin in her sleep. Andy who was watching closely, studying her face, not sure what to do immediately noticed her smile. Sams smile, noticed by Andy, quickly moved to Andy, as he knew

She would be okay.


Now Andy wasnt quite sure what he wanted to, just then Susan walked in, bringing some chicken soup to Andy and Sam, if she woke up that is, and saw Andy smiling down at sam, and Sam, in her sleep smiled up. Just then, Sams mom, wasn't sure quite what to think, she put the soup down and quickly, and quietly sneaked out of the room, trying to not disturbed anyone, as she was sure Andy was so captured by Sam, to not even notice her come in with the soup.

Then, Andy did just what sams mom might have "interrupted", Andy leaned toward to the sleeping Sam, and something happened, something magical, something out of a fairy tale. Andy kissed Sam and Sam, finally woke up from her slumber!

The sleeping beauty's prince charming, woke her up. Now the both of them are smiling at each other, and since Sams been sleeping for a while, with out food she's hungry, as when she smiles at Andy, she also eats chicken soup with Andy.

Hungry Andy, and hungry Sam, both eat soup together in Sams room, while they smile at each other. Then, Andy says to Sam "I can't believe I let such a pretty girl fall, I'll never let that happen again to you, Samantha." then Sam smiles, and blushes as she listens to Andy.

"I hope I can stay with you as my much as possible, to keep from falling anymore, but with such a pretty girl it might be hard, as it's distracting" Andy winks at Sam, then, he begins to write quickly on a note pad near by. "what are you doing?" the pondering princess asks to her prince charming. Andy replies, saying he is writing a song. " A song for my princess, my sleeping beauty."

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