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Present situation – in Meghalaya, one of the Northeastern state of India

A huge villa was crowded with local media persons waiting to get the interview for the man of the day ....every media person eyes were waiting for him...they never met him but heard a lot good and positive about him from all the seven sisters states of India......

Finally he was there a black suit with a white shirt ...a white handkerchief in his suit pocket ...neatly shaven cheeks eyes....perfectly set hair...a pointed nose ...a smile on his face......he was walking royally down the stairs.....

Media was clicking his photos...they were enthusiastic and excited......he greeted each and every one of them personally and asked them to take their seats.....finally every one settled down.......

Media : Mr. Shivaay congratulations first

Shivaay : Thank you

Media : how are you feeling taking the best entrepreneur award this year for all the 7 states of north eastern India....

Shivaay: it feels great...I am thankful to all those who thought of awarding me this prestigious award...

Media : who is your inspiration behind this ?

Shivaay went silent on that...........when a voice came from behind.........a lady's voice.......

She was wearing a simple blue saree with an off shoulder blouse... pearl neckpiece and matching ear rings...a pair of pearl and stone bangles held her right hand while the moon bracelet held her left hand...a light red lipstick and her hair wavy ......she was gorgeous .......she came down and sat beside Shivaay clicked her pics now....

Lady : I will answer this question on his behalf....

Media turned towards her........

Lady : his hardwork and the taunt that he is nothing without.....

Shivaay held her hand stopping her.......

Media : nothing without what mam?

Lady : nothing ...the taunt that he can be nothing is his inspiration........

Media : can we know your name

Shivaay : she is wife .......

Media took their pictures and posed some more questions ...they answered gracefully.......finally the media session came to an end...Shivaay asked everyone to have breakfast and then leave....everyone was leaving when one media person stopped and said

Reporter : I think I have seen you somewhere...but I am not getting where did I see you before...

Shivaay smiled and said...''please have breakfast is good today "...saying this he held Anika's hand and turned back towards dining room........

Already two members were waiting at the dining table.........that being Saturday everyone was relaxed

Shivaay : Hey champ why did you not come out ...they would have clicked your pics would have been fun

''Champ? What champ ? I am sahil chaturvedi..and I don't want my photos to be printed so soon ...I cannot handle my fan following and answer all the questions of my fans in my school...still there is time '' Chatur sahil answered...

Anika ''you are becoming way too naughty sahil''

''No Anika...nothing against sahil '' came a voice

Anika ''you too all are spoiling him'' she smiled........

Sahil ''Jiju shall we go for some outing today and have food the best food outside''

THE PAST AND THE PRESENT - ISHQBAAZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now