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Recap : Shivika enjoyed their cozy night....Khanna and Om went to garage when they came to know Anika's scooty being sent...Om was shocked to find that the scooty has been delivered to Soumya's address...Om informs Rudra about the same and Rudra get's shocked.......


Om ''Hello Rudra...are you listening''

Rudra ''yes yes Om bhayya...but how can this happen''

Om ''Rudra it's time we need to meet Soumya to know the truth...will you be coming?''

Rudra ''I will bhayya because I need answers from her for everything''

Om ''Rudra ...now, only Soumya is aware where Shivaay and Anika Bhabhi are , so you will not talk to her aggressively and handle the situation calmly...if you agree then you come else stay back, because I cannot take any risk at this moment''

Rudra ''I will bhayya , I will do as you say''

Om ''Fine then...don't let anyone know about this ...Particularly MR.Tej Oberoi.......and directly reach the address , I will message you the address''

Rudra ''no need to message the address bhayya, I remember it very well, I will reach there directly...see you in half an hour''

Om'' ok bye''

Om turned towards Khanna and said

Om ''Khanna you drop me at the address and go back to Oberoi Mansion, I will come back home with Rudra.......if anything is needed I will call you ''

Khanna obliged

Khanna and Om from the garage started towards Versova and Rudra from oberoi mansion started towards Versova..........

-----------------Flat No. 603, Rainbow Apartments, Versova, Mumbai, Maharastra

Om, Rudra reached Soumya's flat and pressed the door bell...........Soumya opened the door and was shocked to see Rudra standing infront.......

She tried to close the door when Om came from behind...Sumo couldn't anymore close the door.........

Sumo ''Om bhayya you both here?''

Om ''can we come in ...if you don't have any problem?''

Sumo ''I never had any problem with you bade baal wale bhayya...but I cannot allow your brother in''

Om ''for my sake please''

Sumo ''ok bhayya''

OmRu entered and settled ...they were anxious to know everything at that instance but kept their cool..........

Sumo ''what made you come here ? that too suddenly?''

Om ''why did you hide such big thing from me soumya? I always treated you as my sister...I knew you and Rudra had problems and you left from Oberoi Mansion ...but still you could have shared everything with me''

Sumo looked confusingly

Sumo ''Om bhayya what are you talking about?''

Rudra lost his patience ''You are in contact with Shivaay bhayya and Anika bhabhi right?''

Sumo was shell shocked and got up from her couch........her face showed continuous nervousness , she was rubbing her hands and started to sweat.....

Om brought a glass of water and gave it and asked her to relax..Sumo drank the water in one go and sat down holding her head

Sumo ''but how did you know?''

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