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Hello this is VHM back with an FF on IB...I will deal with all the three pairs of IB ....please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes....

--------------------------OBEROI MANSION, MUMBAI, MAHARASTRA

Jhanvi picked up the phone to call Omkara but she didn't call...

Gauri ''Maaji, why are you not dialing''

Jhanvi ''I will go and meet Om, he will be much happy by this''

Jhanvi left towards Oberoi Industries


Jhanvi knocked the door of Om's cabin and heard a voice ''Come in ''

She stepped in and Om lifted his head to look who has come........he stood in shock ...and tears paved their way out......he ran to her and hugged her.......

Jhanvi too reciprocated the hug.........Om cried his heart out.....Jhanvi pacified him....

Om ''Mom...you have forgiven me right? I am sorry mom...I am really sorry ''

Jhanvi ''no more crying Om ....i am sorry to trouble you...but I never left trust on my upbringing...and you proved me right...gauri explained me everything...I am proud of you Om...I am really proud of you''

Om ''no mom...you were right I was becoming like Tej Oberoi.....your this punishment reminded me to not go in his way''

Jhanvi ''Om ....today I will say something which I could not say during all these days......before being your mother I am a woman and I cannot allow my bahu to go through the same pain...so I had to do this...you need to respect every relation you make else you will lose your roots''

Om'' I will always remember this mom...thank you so much'' he hugged her again.....

Om ''are you happy now mom.....everything is getting sorted now...Mr.Tej Oberoi has also apologised to you...I hope he keeps up his promise''

Jhanvi ''I am happy he is changing for good but forgiving him is not so easy for me.....it will take time Om .... i just patched up with him , because everyone needs a chance.......so let's wait to see whether he changed really or not''

Om ''I was also thinking the same .....''

Tej was coming to meet Om and stopped listening to Om and Jhanvi's conversation

Jhanvi ''you know what Om ...I will completely forgive Tej and accept him happily on the day he brings back Shivaay and Anika with respect and gives them their place in Oberoi house...till then I will be just Jhanvi not Jhanvi Tej Singh Oberoi''

Om '' if that day occurs I will accept him as my father wholeheartedly and will call him ''PAPA'' instead of Mr.Tej........i really wish...I really wish that day comes''

Tej listened to their conversation and left from there.......their conversation was ringing in his ears.......

Jhanvi ''I want to talk to Shivaay once and thank him......infact I want to apologise on behalf of Tej too...it's the minimum I can do''

Om ''mom, I will make you talk in the evening.......infact we all will talk to him and I promise... you will see him too...we make a video call...by the way Dadi and Prinku are with him..i think Gauri must have said this but still I wanted to share this happiness with you........sorry mom now I need to rush to resolve the workers issue..it's urgent'' he bent to take blessings from Jhanvi.....

Jhanvi blessed him and kissed his forehead and wished him all the best............

-----------Om resolved the workers issue by using the 1 & 2 nd points of business said by Shivaay ........Rudra and Shakthi were successful in signing the MoU with the newly formed states..soon they started up their business......Tej & Mr. Gogoi started the Restaurant business amicably..the restaurant was branded as ''GOBE''.....Shivaay passed on his ideas to Gogoi and Tej listening to his ideas was getting even more doubtful as he knew it was similar to the way Shivaay dealt....however he brushed away his thoughts..........Oberoi Industries was getting back to it's original form from the state of destruction.........Dadi and Prinku came back to their home........Prinku was being welcomed warmly by Tej and Jhanvi......Tej's family was getting stronger...however nothing changed for Shakthi and Pinky.......Shakthi was happy for Tej , but he was missing Shivaay terribly and was constantluy searching for Kamini...Pinky lost all hopes ...it was getting much for her and she couldn't bear the punishment anymore....3 months passed by and Om, Rudra, Jhanvi, Sumo , Gauri , Dadi, Prinku regularly spoke to Shivaay and Anika without letting Pinky, Tej and Shakthi known....................

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