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Hello this is VHM back with an FF on IB...I will deal with all the three pairs of IB ....please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes....

Tej ''Shivaay ..... ''

Shivaay went upto him and bent to take his blessings......Tej didn't want to create any hope in Shivaay by blessing him openly...so he blessed him in his heart and silently looked at him.....Shivaay looked raising his head still bending down and he saw Tej not looking at him...he stood up

Shivaay had tears in his eyes........Tej was melting but pretended to be unaffected.....

Shivaay ''Bade papa''

Tej ''Tej...call me Tej Singh Oberoi''

Shivaay was shocked ''Sorry Bade...I mean Sorry Mr.Tej Singh Oberoi......you here?''

Tej ''I thought you left Mumbai...but I am surprised you are still here''

Shivaay ''it's true I left Mumbai... but you very well know why am I here..... I also know you might have received the Invite from IIRO and would have seen my name in invite.....so probably you might have come here to check if I am the same Shivaay...am I right Mr.Tej Singh Oberoi?''

Tej ''smart as usual...yes I did come to know whether you are the same or not''

Shivaay ''Thank you for the compliment...yes I am the same Shivaay .....but you please relax...I am here only for the work I have taken up...so you can trust me, that my intentions are good and I have not come here to meet you or your family in your home......''

Tej ''good to know ...I don't want any drama in Oberoi mansion once again''

Shivaay ''you wouldn't have any drama there, because I am not going to step in OM...this is my word to you''

Tej ''great...so when are you leaving from here?''

Shivaay ''next Thursday...and will never come back''

Tej ''awesome...I expect you can keep your word''

Tej POV : I wish you stay back here but my ideologies are not allowing me...I know even you wouldn't agree to come if I ask you right now to step in.....i just hope everything get's fine and you are back...because this time even I want MY SHIVAAY back in Oberoi mansion...for many reasons but importantly I want to pay back my brother Shakthi with this happens in favour of helping me in my difficult times.....secondly I want my Omkara and Jhanvi back in my life........ thirdly It's high time , I want to sit back and relax giving all the responsibilities to all my sons, even you........i had definitely kicked you out...but I have missed you equally......I cannot prove this, but I feel this......now I will do something which... you infact no one would ever expect...''

He came out of thoughts when Shivaay spoke

Shivaay ''I will try my level best''

Tej ''fine I will leave now''

Shivaay ''yeah...'' he nodded rubbing his forehead

Tej turned to leave , walked few steps and again turned towards Shivaay

Tej ''this is unusual of me , but I must compliment you...you indeed are smart and intelligent...you have grown up to this level in a year without any support ...good job'' he said and turned, smiled and left without listening to any response of Shivaay.....

Shivaay thanked him in his heart , smiled and left towards his room..........


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