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Precap : Rudra's fight with Soumya revealed......Om was remembering his past and he came out of thoughts when he heard a scream in Oberoi mansion.........


Shivaay was all alone in his room, closing his eyes and with one hand on his forehead closing part of his eyes......he went back to that day when he and Anika consummated their marriage in Jungle....

They woke up the next morning and realised what has happened...they couldn't face each other for a while but composed themselves....

Shivaay '' Anika...''

Anika ''ha..yea..yes...Shivaay''

Shivaay ''what happened? Are you embarrassed for what had happened yesterday night?''

Anika ''no..not at all....hy...why would I get embarrassed? Nothing like that''

Shivaay ''so you enjoyed''

Anika was blushing ''Stop it Shivaay...I am feeling shy''

Shivaay ''but I enjoyed very much...'' he pulled her close ''thank you....yesterday's night was the most memorable night for me''

Anika ''for me too...but I wouldn't thank you...because now by every means we are husband and wife...and someone said there should be no thank you's and sorry's between husband and wife''.

Shivaay locked his lips again with Anika's and after their intense liplock

Shivaay ''I think we should...we should ''

Anika looked at him

Shivaay ''we should go back home...everyone must be worried''

Anika nodded her head in agreement........They both held each others hands and started walking till they got lift and found Anika's champa...Anika drove while Shivaay sat behind...finally they reached the Oberoi Mansion......

Pinky was eagerly waiting for them to arrive......she saw them coming ...she smiled ..........

Pinky ''Shivaay where were you? And why are you looking tired? Didn't you sleep yesterday night?''

Anika held her head down feeling shy....

Shivaay ''mom..mom...please can we talk later...I have much more things to do now''

Pinky ''Shivaay wait a moment...I have some surprise for you''

Shivaay ''what surprise?''

Pinky ''some Nayantara has come to meet you''

Shivaay shockingly said ''what? Where is she?''

Pinky ''in the hall...look there...there she is''

Anika looked at Shivaay with a questioned face...shivaay looked at herin shock while Pinky smirked........

Shivaay ''Anika you go inside and get freshened up...so go''

Anika ''shivaay...please ...it's ok...I can bear any sort of truth...so let me stay here''

Shivaay went towards Nayantara........

Nayantara ''ohh ...so you are Shivaay Singh Oberoi...you asked me to call you...but I came here''

Shivaay ''yeah but you could have informed me you are coming here...by the way please sit down''

Pinky ''shivaay who is she?''

Shivaay ''mom...let me speak to her first...have patience''

Nayantara ''but why did you want to meet me?''

THE PAST AND THE PRESENT - ISHQBAAZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now