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Hello this is VHM back with an FF on IB...I will deal with all the three pairs of IB ....please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes....

---------------------Present situation – in Shillong, Meghalaya -------------------

The sunrays fell on the couple who were sleeping cuddling each other...

Anika ''Shivaay please set the window curtains...I want to sleep for somemore time''

Shivaay ''mmmmmmmm''

Anika ''Shivaay please fast...I am getting disturbed''

Shivaay ''mmmmmmm''

Anika ''what mmmmmm, mmmmmmmmm...now get up and set them..'' she shouted and shivaay woke up with jerk........

Shivaay ''Anika '' he screamed

Anika ''chor chor chor chor''

Shivaay ''it's me...me...Shivaay''

Anika ''why did you shout then''

Shivaay ''Anikaaaaaa'' he again shouted pointing his hands towards the wall

Anika ''óhh noooooooooooooooooo'' she shouted and ran into the washroom

Shivaay knocked the bathroom door and said ''this is not fair Anika...come out else I will get in''

Anika ''wait Shivaay 10 minutes ...I will be back''

Shivaay ''no woman can get ready in 10 minutes...so come out now...else I am going to break the door and get in''

Anika ''no...promise I will come''

Shivaay ''why did I show her the wall clock ...in another one hour we should be at awards ceremony....she is ...she is just impossible'' he murmured

Shivaay again knocked at the door ''Anika ...not anymore I am coming in..''

Anika ''no...wait ...5 min I will be out''

Shivaay entered into the washroom........Anika was done with her bathing and was in bath robe...her hair with water droplets and her bathrobe till her knees....Shivaay was mesmerised seeing her and forgot that few minutes back he was fighting with her to get ready for award function........

Anika was feeling shy and was looking down ...Shivaay moved towards her..she started to take steps backwards...

Shivaay ''you look beautiful ''

Anika was blushing and said stammering ''shivaay...we ...we are getting late...so...let me go out and ...and ''

Shivaay ''and what..'' he placed his hands on her shoulders...a current passed in her and she held the bathrobe still more tight...

Anika ''and I will get ready...I ..i have to''

Shivaay ''you have to..what '' he moved much closer where his breath was touching her body...she shivered

Anika ''I have to get Sahil ready and wake up Mahi also''

Shivaay ''we will not take any award..let me live this moment with you...'' he placed a kiss on her bare neck ...........she closed her eyes and pushed him away unable to control and ran from the bathroom...

Shivaay ''Anikaa..where...Anika'' by then she was gone.......

He smiled and got freshened up and then got ready........meanwhile Anika got ready and woke up Mahi and Sahil...she made Sahil ready and they were all at the breakfast table.......they finished eating and rushed towards the function hall............

THE PAST AND THE PRESENT - ISHQBAAZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now