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Present situation – in Meghalaya, one of the Northeastern state of India

Shivaay, Anika, Mahi and Sahil had their breakfast and gave a good send off to the media...later as planned they spent the rest of the day happily ......

It's been an year since Shivaay and Anika left Oberoi mansion along with Sahil and Mahi..........the memories were still afresh in both their minds...they did not want to remember the unfortunate day but still they could not forget it too....

After the tiring but happy day all four came back and Anika made Sahil sleep.......

Shivaay and Mahi were in the living room sitting on the couch in their own thoughts....suddenly

Mahi ''Shivaay, you are no doubt happy but you still feel incomplete without all of them...don't you think you should atleast call Om and Rudra ?''

Shivaay '' I miss them Mahi..i miss Om Rudra Prinku and Dadi a lot...but if I call them they will waste no time in tracking and come here leaving evreryone else there...you don't know in this one year .. how many times I typed their number and didn't dare to ring it....''

Mahi ''excatly Shivaay...all of them were not at fault.....but you have punished them by making yourself away from them...I get scared whenever the thought of how the Oberoi mansion would be without you now., comes to my mind''

Shivaay ''I hope everything would be fine there ...that's the reason I am not even reading or hearing the business news nowadays''

Anika came down just then and listened to their conversation......

Anika ''Shivaay, but they are your family and you should know about them...it's high time Shivaay...one day they will reach us.''

Shivaay ''how will they reach us...they will not have a fairest idea where we are currently''

Anika ''Shivaay today media came to our house...did you forget ...now it's a state news of all the north eastern India ...it will not take much time to become a national news...what will you do then?''

Shivaay looked at her in disbelief and stood up

Mahi ''what happened Shivaay?''

Shivaay ''I have to stop the media...how the hell could I forget this....this news should not get printed'''

Anika ''fine today you will stop them...how many more times will you stop...it's waste Shivaay...let time takes it's time''

Mahi ''I think this discussion will continue if we keep on going...so let's call it a day....tomorrow we have to attend the award ceremony''

Shivaay-Anika smiled and said ''good night '' to Mahi..........and returned to their room......

Shivaay was distrubed and tensed ...Anika understood his condition......Shivaay stood at the window looking at the moon...Anika came and stood behind him and placed her hands on his shulder...Shivaay turned towards her and looked into her eyes......he had a layer of tears ...Anika cupped his face and lifted her foot to place a kiss at his forehead...Shivaay hugged Anika and cried .......he cried his heart out.........

Anika ''Shivaay what happened?''

Shivaay ''Anika tomorrow is a big day...and on the big day my brothers and Dadi are not with me...I know...I understand that now I am none to them but still they are everything to me....''

Anika ''Shivaay if you are missing them so badly call them here...you and they both will be happy''

Shivaay ''no Anika after what all happened I cannot do so...I have to try harder to control these emotions else one day I will loose ''

THE PAST AND THE PRESENT - ISHQBAAZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now