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Shivaay ''come Anika..let's go inside''

Shivaay heard a voice ''NOT SO SOON SHIVAAY''

Everyone looked towards the voice.........

Om looked at the person irritated...Rudra frowned his eyebrows...Prinku was scared....Dadi looked questioningly....Shakthi was blank.......

Tej ''why are you all looking at me surprisingly........how can Shivaay go inside so soon...so I stopped him''

Shivaay ''but what's the reason bade papa''

Tej smiled ''bade papa ? who bade papa? Don't even dare to call me such..what do you think you will try to hide and we will not get to know anything''

Shivaay ''what are you talking about? I don't understand anything''

Tej ''how funny...you don't understand anything? Seriously Shivaay? You really act so good''

Dadi ''enough Tej what's this new drama by you now?''

Tej ''drama? The actual drama has now started maa...till now I have seen the drama created by Pinky , but whatever I am saying is not drama ..the truth''

Shakthi ''bhai saheb..enough of puzzles...say it clearly''

Tej ''fine...I will say if Shivaay will not ''.....

Shivaay ''I really don't know about what you are saying ''

Tej turned towards Shakthi and said ''you wanted to know right...then let me tell you SHIVAAY IS ILLEGITIMATE''

Shakthi screamed ''what nonsense, bhai saheb.....don't even dare to say this again else I will forget that I am talking to my elder brother''

Shivaay stepped back with a deep hurt feeling..........Anika held him.....he looked at her.....Anika nodded no.......

Om ''Mr. Tej oberoi...not again ...this time I will not even look back to thrash you''

Dadi stood up in shock.........

Pinky wiped her tears, stood up in anger, walked towards Tej, held his collar and said ''how dare you to call my son ...my only son illegitimate...while I carried him in my womb for 9 whole months I know how many complications I underwent and you...you are calling him illegitimate....i will take your tongue out of your mouth for saying so''

Tej made her leave his collar and adjusted his collar ''do you think I will speak without any proofs..i have a proof...a solid proof...and mind you this proof I found in Shivaay's room'' saying this he took a file out.....

Anika and Shivaay were shocked to see the same file with the DNA reports of Shivaay and Mahi...they looked at Tej shocked

Tej ''why are you both looking at me shockingly...you knew about this am I right?''

Anika ''but uncle how did you..''

Tej ''how did I get this file..this was what you were trying to ask ? ...yesterday I came to meet Shivaay in his room ...he wasn't there.....while I was returning, this file left by you both on your bed attracted me..i opened it and got to know''

Dadi ''what is this file about Tej''

Tej turned towards Dadi ''the DNA reports of Mahi and Shivaay... and guess what the DNA matched which means Mahi and Shivaay are twin brothers ''

Dadi ''Mahi? Who is Mahi ?''

Tej ''mom the duplicate who came into our mansion few days ago as Shivaay...and to my surprise I got to know he is the son of Kamini''

THE PAST AND THE PRESENT - ISHQBAAZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now