May I Have This Dance? Pt 2 || Freya M.

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23. " I can't breathe in this dress, can we please hurry up?"

24. "Oh my god, you're in love with him/her?"

32. "Wait a second, are you jealous?"

35. "Well you're coming home with me... whether you like it or not."


Freya and I enter the Ball room just as Elena Gilbert and the Salvatore brothers - who are on either side of her arms - are making almost as grand of an entrance I made about thirty minutes ago; I roll my eyes.

"I might just need a drink before I deal with her."

"Oh, she can't be that bad."

"You have no idea," I scanned the crowd, looking for a waiter. "So, I get her in a room, what's next?"

"I'll enchant the room to where she can't leave, once she enters, I'll follow closely behind you to cast the spell. I'll need some of your blood so I can cloak it into doppelganger blood, I'll give it to Finn and tell him it's Elena's blood. He'll give it Esther, she'll do the spell with the fake blood, and everybody's safe."

"You make it seem so simple," I laugh, grabbing a flute of champagne. "So, do I have to stay in the room with Elena?"

"Yes," she frowned.

"Alright," I threw the golden wine back and quickly switch my empty glass for yet another one. "Let's do this."

"Meet me with Elena in Klaus' study." Freya said, squeezing my hand leaving an empty vile there in place of her hand, her blue dress chasing after her in the crowd as she dashed off.

I slipped the empty vile in my bra, a plan quickly formulated in my head on how I was going to get the Gilbert girl alone once my eyes landed on Rebekah and Kol. I make my way over to the two quietly bickering siblings, the crowd moving out of my way after seeing the fire in my eyes.

"Will you two stop bickering for one second, you're going to piss your mother off more than she already is." I hissed at the two, shutting them up. "Now, I need you two to do me a favor and distract the Salvatore brothers, I don't care how, just as long as you keep them away from Elena."

"Now why would we do that love?" Kol questioned, pushing my buttons.

"Because you love me and we have a murderous, mother Esther on our hands."

"Wait, who pissed mother off?" Rebekah asked.

"That I don't know, but she wants our blood." I snapped my free hand's fingers. "Now go distract lover boys."

"I call Stefan," Rebekah said while rolling her eyes and leaving for the youngest Salvatore, Kol following her.

I tap my index finger against the thin glass while my eyes scanned the crowd for the. I spotted her talking to the Mayor, Carol Lockwood.

When I got about half of my way to Elena, I stop a random stranger that was wondering around the ballroom, drink in hand. "You're going to follow me, trip me, push me into Elena Gilbert, and stumble off, because you're just a little too drunk." I let the words fall from my lips as I made eye contact with the strangers dulled eyes.

"I'm going to push you into Elena Gilbert."

I start heading towards Elena, the drunk following me close behind, I turn the slightest as if I'm going to pass her, the man pushes me into her, my drink slipping on to her dress.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I gasped. The drunken man snapped out of his trance, muttering an apology and stumbling off. "Please, let me help clean off your dress."

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