Sirius, Power of Love, Harry, Dumbledore, Angry Weasely, New Professor, Sharing

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*Hermiones POV*

When I woke up today I knew what I had to do, I took a quick shower before pulling on a pair of dark wash ripped skinny jeans, along with a white t-shirt. I pulled on a light tan long sleeve cover-up, with my nude pointed toe pumps. I did my usual make-up with a thin layer of black eyeliner, mascara and a light brown eye-shadow. I put on my usual chapstick before grabbing my sheath and snapping my wand into place. I kissed Charlies cheek before leaving a note and grabbing the stone from my jacket. I signed as I walked out of the school and down the hill into the forest. When I knew that I was far enough I took the stone and spun it three times in the air closing my eyes. It was then that I felt a hand on my cheek, I opened my eyes only to be met with Sirius' gray ones. I back up and shook my head as I looked at him, he gave me a small smile, before a confused look came to his face.

"Hermione, I remember when Harry used the stone, I couldn't touch him, how is this possible?"

I sighed.

"After Dumbledore's' portrait was made Harry asked him why he couldn't touch any of you. Dumbledore told him that it was because Harry needed to see more than one person. I just need to see you, so it's logical as to why you just showed up for me. The power in the stone is stronger when there's one person in particular that is needed. Anyway I need answers, because the last time we were alone something happened and we agreed that it would stay between us. Then last night Harry told me that not only did you tell him what happened but that you were in love with me. However you knew that you weren't what was best for me, and that you were willing to let me go, what the hell is that about Sirius?"

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Hermione, while to you that night was a mistake to me it was an awakening. That night I realized that I loved you however I know that you're engaged so I don't see why any of this matters?"

"It matters to me, god, no matter how drunk I was that night meant something, I had planned on talking to Fred. Telling him that I couldn't be with him, however you were gone and he died in the war, Ron faked his death and caused a lot of problems. Now I'm engaged to a Weasely and I can't seem to get my bestfriends god father out of my head."

I shook my head and looked away.

"I said what I have to say, Sirius now's your chance before I drop this stone and let this all go."

His head shot up as he looked at me.

"Hermione, do you love me."

Tears came to my eyes and I sighed nodding my head.

"Yeah, I do, however you're dead and I love Charlie as well, I'm sorry Sirius."

I dropped the stone, but he didn't go anywhere, I gave him a confused look.

"How is this possible?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know, but we should go see Dumbledore and McGonagall."

I sighed nodding my head nodding for him to follow me, however when we got to the edge of the forest I saw Charlie coming down the hill. I sighed, stopping Sirius, he gave me a confused look and I took his hand pulling him back into the woods towards the black lake taking the long way.

"Hermione, where are we going?"

I sighed letting go of his hand.

"Through the dungeons, I can't let Harry, Charlie, or anyone see you till we get this figured out."


I stopped looking at him with stern eyes.

"If we're seen we're screwed, Harry will think this is permanent and we don't have all the answers. Charlie knows, he knows about us, about that night, the last thing I need is my fiancé thinking that something's going on."

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