Baby Day

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*Hermione's POV*

I woke up today hoping that today would be the day my baby, or babies, come into this world. I honestly believe that I'm having multiples because I'm huge, if I am only pregnant with one I'll be surprised. Since Sirius and I talked about our jobs and how they'll affect our children in the long run, he talked to Minerva and quit teaching. Now he's keeping his work with Harry during the summer, however I'm going to stick with being a teacher during the year. I was pulled from my thoughts by kisses being placed on my collar bone. I sighed rolling over my caramel brown eyes meeting my loves stormy gray ones. He gave me a small smile before connecting his lips to mine in a small chaste kiss. When he pulled away he leaned his forehead against mine and I couldn't help the smile that came to my face.

"Good morning."


I sighed looking at the clock on the wall, I shook my head before looking back up at Sirius.

"I have to get up, classes to get ready for."

He sighed nodding his head before resting his head on his arms, he watched as I walked to the closet. I pulled out a white mid thigh length dress, and a flowing floral cover-up with a pair of white flats. I got dressed before waddling to the bathroom doing my usual thin layer of black eyeliner, and mascara. I brushed out my hair pulling it back and out of my face. I checked myself over in the mirror before going back to the bedroom. Sirius sat up and smiled before getting out of bed and walking to me, shaking his head.

"Now where was this when we got married?"

I giggled shaking my head as he pulled me into his chest, my round belly stopping him from pulling me to close. He gave me a mischievous smirk while I placed my hands on his chest leaning my forehead against his.

"Well when we got married I didn't have this, and was about ten sizes smaller."

"I like you like this, round with my baby, or babies, either way you look beautiful."

I smiled, shaking my head as I looked into his eyes, I gave him a quick kiss before grabbing my wand and walking to class. First and second period went by rather quickly however my third period class always seems to give me a rough time. They always push my buttons and fights break out constantly giving me a headache and causing me more stress then necessary. I was sitting at my desk grading papers watching paper birds fly around my room and land on desks. I knew they were passing notes; it's something that every class does. I believe it helps them to get more intuned with their magical abilities, while other professors protest to this I don't really enforce the rule in my class. I remember what it was like to be one of them, hell it wasn't that long ago that I was one of them. I remember passing notes between Ron, and Harry, thinking of ways to stop Voldemort from our desk was just a way to pass the time. However today's notes were a bit different, I watched from the corner of my eye as one of the boys opened a note and instantly became upset. He stood up and walked across the room to one of the other boys and instantly threw a punch. I stood up real quick and rushed over to stop the scuffle only to be pushed back and land flat on my ass. The only time I've ever been mad because I was pregnant was at this time because being as big as I am I can't seem to get up. One of the girls came over and helped me up, I thanked her before grabbing my wand and breaking them up. I heaved a sigh before dismissing the rest of the students and called for Minerva and Sirius. I had the two sit in a desk and stay quiet while I tried to calm down a bit. I sighed, shaking my head and looking at the boys before going to the one who threw the punch. He looked down ashamed of himself before looking back up at me.

"Give me the note?"

He sighed nodding his head before doing as I asked, when I looked at the words and moving figures on the paper I understood why he was so upset. On the note was a drawing of two people going at it, and underneath the picture it read *Your girl's good, wonder who else she'll have a go with before the end of the year? She obviously doesn't care to have a roll with you*. I sighed shaking my head before going over to the other boy, I stood infront of him holding up the note.

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