A Potter Wedding

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*Ginnys POV*

I woke up today in my old room at the burrow, this was the first time that I'm waking up without Harry next to me. I sighed getting out of bed going downstairs to get a cup of coffee, only to be stopped to see Hermione standing there. She gave me a small smile, as she sipped hers before handing one to me, I saw that it already had cream and sugar. I gave her a small smile and she looked down into her cup letting out a small tired sigh.

"You alright Hermione?"

She looked at me nodding her head letting out a yawn.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired, didn't sleep too well."

"You missing Sirius?"

She smiled nodding her head.

"Yeah, anymore I can't sleep without him next to me, what about you, you missing Harry?"

I smiled nodding my head.

"Yeah, he and I have been together a lot longer than most people, anymore without him I just don't sleep. After the war he and I fought my mom and dad for a room together, we spent too much time apart during the war. Not knowing whether the other was somewhere safe or laying dead in a ditch somewhere in the woods. You, you were lucky, you knew that Sirius was safe away from the war granted he was dead, but still."

*Hermiones POV*

I gave her a confused look, before letting out a sigh shaking my head.

"Yeah, but he was dead, and I was with Fred, I worried about him the same as you worrying about Harry and he you. I loved Fred and in a way I always will but I was in those shoes, I had hard nights sleeping without Fred. Then I let go, I fell for someone then he hurt me, and then I was graced with a love I never thought I would have again."

"Yeah my oldest brother, you have a problem falling in love with my brothers then breaking their hearts."

Now I was pissed.

"Hey, I never hurt Fred, he hurt me, I left, we were split up when Sirius and I slept together. When I tried to tell Fred that I couldn't be with him because I messed up, it was too late Sirius was gone so there was no point. Then Fred died in the war and I was broken, Charlie and I didn't get together until I started teaching at Hogwarts almost a year after the war. When Sirius came back I fought, I wanted to stay with Charlie but he kept pushing me away, I couldn't take it anymore. That's the truth, Sirius and I granted we got together that night but that's because I knew that I was meant to be with him. I love Sirius, just like you love Harry so why any of this bothers you or is in anyway your concern is beyond me. Harry is the closest thing to a brother I have so if you want to question my relationship, then I have just as much of a right to question yours. So tell me Ginny why exactly are you with Harry, because last I checked you didn't want to be a part of his life because he was the chosen one and had girls fawning all over him so what changed?"

She sighed looking down with sad eyes, I stepped forward taking her cup from her and taking her hands in mine.

"Ginny I love you like a sister, however don't question me on things that have nothing to do with you. My life with Fred, Charlie, and Sirius have nothing to do with you, it is none of your concern, I love you Ginny, and I love Harry. I have never seen two people more right for each other, than you two, I've never questioned you or Harrys decisions. Trust me in mine, don't question me, please, now let's get you down that aisle to my bestfriend and brother alright?"

She sighed giving me a small smile.

"I love you Hermione, and I'm sorry."

"I love you too Gin, and so am I..."

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