Chapter 19

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I immediatly started freaking out. I called Ethan and he didn't answer. Where the hell did he go? I texted him and called him again. Thankfully as I was dialing his number the third time him and Aaron came through into the waiting room.

"Oh thank god!" I said with such relief. Aaron ran over to Josh and they started playing around. I told them both to be really carefull.

"How was he?" Ethan asked me.

"Pretty good, he got through it without crying. I was very proud of him. But, I should be asking you the same thing."

"Oh we had a great time. He is very. . ."

"Crazy? Yeah, I know." I went over and grabbed the boys hands and we all walked out of the hospital. The hospital is right next to the boys favorite resturant.

"Guys, do you want to go to Dino Saucer?"

"YES!" the boys yelled in unison.

"Dino Saucer?" Ethan asked.

"Oh, they call Dino Dash, Dino Saucer, because my mom's boyfriend calls it that."

"Oh, I see." He said nodding his head. We over and Aaron was attached to Ethan. We all sat down and everyone ordered what they wanted. I just asked for water.

"You're not. . . hungry?" Ethan asked. I just shook my head. I lied. I was starving. But I couldn't eat. Usually when I'm hungry I just repeat the word 'fat' in my mind. After everyone was done eating, they boys wanted to go in the play zone.

"Alright, but we can only stay for a little while, Josh, your arm is going to start to hurt, and its going to get dark soon."

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