"Finding out"

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Once I was in my room I rushed over to my laptop and Looked at Jake's Channel and their it was the results the video that determines if I go to team 10 or stay home. i look and play the video.
Yooooo wassup guys it's Jake and Tessa here we wanted to let you know who the new member of ten 10 was first look at these lit hoddies merch link in bio!!! Always plug! Okay back to the New member. Tessa do you want to announce the member? Of course Jake!! Okay guys The new member is a girl from Florida her name is Katie Elaine she sang "Halo" By Beyoncè and was amazing and Gorgeous! Thanks for Everone who entered! IT'S EVERYDAY BRO PEACE!!!!
Omg omg no way this is happening im a dreaming oml no way! I'm a new member of team 10 omg Yay!!!
I Ran downstairs to tell my parents when I hear SUPRISE!!! 
I look and see all my friends and Family all at my house congratulating me I scream Thank you!!
Then we all talk and have a great time then I get sad when I see what I'm going to be leaving behind all my family and friends but we all say our goodbyes I go to my room and start packing

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