Once I get a few things packed I end up going to sleep because tommorow will be my last day of going to my school and Saying bye to my friends will be hard. I fall asleep thinking about what life will be like In L.A. I wake up okay but I smell somthing like breakfast...we never have breakfast at my house so this is weird I walk very slowly down our 24 steps (I counted them when I was little Idk why) I looked around the corner into the kitchen and seen my That my dad had Breakfast cooked and wasent at work. I said "Hey dad Why aren't you at work?" He said "i thought I would stay home since your only gonna be my little girl for 2 more days." I said "Aweee dad I will always be your little girl I promise!!" "Okay" he replied. I ate my eggs and bacon with my chocolate pancakes as quick as I could got dressed and checked the time 5:30?!?! I still have 2 hours before I go to school gess I better finish packing. A hour and thirty minutes later gess I better get ready I'm going to look good for the last day of school.
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I don't dress in dresses ever today I just wanted to look Idk good for a change I gess. I walk down stair I see my mom and Dad watching tv "Bye mom bye Dad" "woah dressed up and leaving early, who died?" My mom said. "Honey please it's her last day!" My dad said. See y'all later! And out the door I went I was driving by my school and pulled up to see my name on posters and people screaming my name!! Then I seen Arianna and i jumped out of my car took off the heels I was wearing and ran as fast as I could to her and hugged her I said "you did this didn't you?" She said "Sort of she also helped" She pointed right at Mrs.Gosnell I put on my heels and walked over to her before I could say thank you she said "I knew you had potential Katie that's why I've given to a hard time because if I wouldn't have done what I did then you wouldn't be where you are....You don't need to say thank you I know you're thankful in your heart. "Thank you really" I said and walked off At the end of the day I told everyone bye and we all cried then I left I will miss them