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Once me and Tessa were done talking about Ivan I said "I'm not going to the gym today" she said "I'm not either i have plans" I said "okay I'm going to the kitchen to find somthing to eat" "good luck with that" Tessa replied.
I went into the kitchen eat some Coco pebbles cereal and then went to my room and FaceTimed my mom, then I texted my bestfriend.
KATIE-Hey girl I miss you so much!!
ARI-I miss you too!!
KATIE- Thier is so much happening you need to know about!!
ARI- does this involve a boy?
KATIE- yessss😊😂
ARI- Okay I see you I see you
We talked about Ivan and Emilio for a while then she talked about summer break and when I looked At the time it was 4:30pm and then I just played on my phone a little while and Tessa came to my room she said "Dress nice we have somewhere to go" I said "Okay" she closed the door and left What to wear what to wear I gess I'll wear a nice shirt then I got a text "Has to be a dress" -Tessa
Ugh now I have to find a dress jeez I finally chose this dress

KATIE-Hey girl I miss you so much!!ARI-I miss you too!!KATIE- Thier is so much happening you need to know about!!ARI- does this involve a boy? KATIE- yessss😊😂ARI- Okay I see you I see you KATIES POVWe talked about Ivan and Emilio for a while the...

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Okay this looks nice enough!!  I opened the door and there were the team 10  memebers around the door lines up to the door I heard AJ outside singing "with you" by Chris Brown and Tessa said this way linked arms with me and we walked to the door to the pool/lagoon the i seen theses words spelled out on paper
"Oh little cutie when you talk to me my whole world stops your my sweet heart"
then I see Ivan and he says "Oh I hope i can call you mine, because your one of a kind so please be mine?"
And I say yes and hug him

Inbetween the Martinez Twins💕Where stories live. Discover now