"A day in hell"

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I woke up at 6am and got ready for the day here is what I'm wearing

I looked at my phone I cringed when I seen thisTIM- you and your parents are coming to our football game tonight and I'm picking you up in 30 minutes were gonna ride around townKATIE- Ew, I don't want to go anywhere with you

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I looked at my phone I cringed when I seen this
TIM- you and your parents are coming to our football game tonight and I'm picking you up in 30 minutes were gonna ride around town
KATIE- Ew, I don't want to go anywhere with you... Tim you know I hate you and I will always so just leave me alone after what you did to me I would never get together with you ever agian so don't think about coming to my house
TIM- Katiebug...you know I have to for old times sake...I'm 5 minutes away you better be ready when I get their.
I rolled my eyes and left him and read and then I heard things hitting my bedroom widow "Shoot he's really here" i went to the front door and got into his truck he just drove and we pulled up to my best-Guy friends house Tim looked at me and said "Go knock yourself out and shoved my shoulder" I rolled my eyes and got out of the truck I knocked on the door and Jason opened it almost right away I looked he looked better than ever

(If you know what show he's off of your the goat!!) "Jason! I missed you!" I bent over and gave him the biggest hug ever he said "Katie when did you get here come in come in" me and Jason talked a while and i went outside and seen that Tim wasent ...

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(If you know what show he's off of your the goat!!)
"Jason! I missed you!" I bent over and gave him the biggest hug ever he said "Katie when did you get here come in come in" me and Jason talked a while and i went outside and seen that Tim wasent Parked outside anymore so I had to walk home I went to my room and remembered the day that Jason was Paralyzed I remeber he had the ball we needed a touchdown to win the game Jason was in the 40-yard line and he bent his head because he was going to get tackled well, Jason got Tackled and He went flying in the air and couldn't move they had to call a ambulance and send him to the hospital that was the day Jason's life changed forever the day I will never forget
Then Tim Riggins came busting to my room drunk and completely out of it i said "Tim go home!!" He mumbled somthing and went out the door it was the time for the game and my mom and Dad were so exited I was just ready to go back to L.A. my flight is in 7 hours we got to the game and everyone crowded around me asking questions and I thought that The night was going good but little did I know the night was far from over we sat down In the bleachers and then Tim ran up to the stands and got me and said "Trust me" I didn't know what to say but I ran with him we went on the field and Tim grabbed a microphone he said "Hello everyone yall all know me I'm Tim Riggins the defensive lineman and I'm here to tell y'all about this girl right here" i interupted and whisperd"Tim your drunk hush" he kept going "She moved to L.a way back when and she thinks that she can come to one of our football games and feel at home well i don't think so we are going to set the record straight and make her stay home" I ran away crying because I know thats what he wanted my old friend JD chased after me He found me beside a old tree we used to talk about life and other personal stuff their JD is the star Quarteback for our school and I Liked him since we were little he sat beside me and said "I remember when we were little and used to sit at this tree we were so Sweet and innocent then" I pulled JD into a big hug and we say like that forever then what happened next shocked me

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